View Full Version : Thank You

michelle oddo
10-26-2005, 2:54 PM
My entire unit received beautiful hand crafted pens yesterday and I wanted to say thank you! We all appreciate them very much. They will serve as a reminder of your continued support to not only my me and my unit, but to all of the other soldiers serving all over the world. I am sure I speak for everyone in saying that we are proud to serve.
Thank you for all you are doing!
God bless you all and God Bless America
Michelle D. Oddo
Bagram AF, Afghanistan

Don Baer
10-26-2005, 3:01 PM
Thank you for your sacrafices for your country. My son just got back from Iraq and told me how much his unit appreciated getting the pens also.

God Bless and stay safe.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-27-2005, 5:18 AM

My thanks to you and your unit for serving our country!

Jeff Sudmeier
10-27-2005, 7:28 AM
Michelle, Thank you for being in harm's way, doing what you have been asked to do! I hope that you and all of your friends return home safely!

Mark Plough
10-27-2005, 11:31 AM
I checked my email this morning and had one from Ssgt. Oddo. Made my morning! It says basicly the same as he sent the Creek. Being retired USAF, it was nice that it was a Air Force troop that got it.

Vaughn McMillan
10-27-2005, 5:13 PM
Michelle, add me to the list of those thanking you and your fellow armed services folks who are serving around the world for the benefit of the rest of us.

And a very well done to the pen turners who made this happen.

- Vaughn

Denis Houyoux
10-27-2005, 8:41 PM
Hello to all out there. I've just landed upon this forum and simply couldn't agree more that this is a great idea. Applaud all the efforts of those invovled so far, and would like to get involved myself. I have just started turning pens this fall. I've churned out 5 so far (slim line designs) in various material (oak, ash, bloodwood, and ebony), and they've all come out fairly decent if I say so myself.

Basically it seems that this project is still ongoing, and I would love to get involved. Can anyone give me the latest info on where to send pens to? And if anyone has pens parts (especially) and pen blanks as well (even though I have some wood) that would be greatly appreciated.

Much appreciated and I look forward to hearing from any of you.

David Hayes
10-31-2005, 10:12 AM
Welcome aboard! Check out the "Freedom Pen Address" thread at the top of this page. Go to freedompens.org for info on pen kits.
Thanks for your support.