View Full Version : recent decorated plate that I made and question

jared herbert
07-18-2017, 12:48 PM
I will attempt to post a picture here of one of several plates that I just got done with. They are all maple, then I used my wood burner to burn the outlines of maple leaves and then used Prismacolor markers to all a little color to them. It all worked good until I started putting finish on. I was using Minwax antique oil. The orange and red colors worked just fine but the finish lifted a lot of the yellow color out. As a note, I had let the marker color sit for 2 days until I put on the antique oil. I know the markers are alcohol based so I wasn't expecting a problem with the color. What is your experience with various finishes over Prismacolor markers? Would wipe on poly work better? Or some other finish product? Thanks in advance Jared364104

Mike Goetzke
07-18-2017, 2:37 PM
Sorry, I have no experience with markers, but, this plate looks great. I actually like the yellow leafs best because they let the grain show through.


John Keeton
07-18-2017, 6:30 PM
Jared, AO does have Cobalt salt and a mild acid, but I doubt that would significantly affect your colors. I don't use Prismacolor, but most oil based finishes will dull colors somewhat. Add to that the yellowing to the maple background and you lose some of the contrast that you had prior to the finish. That said, I think the colors look very appropriate for the intended effect. Nice work!

Bill Blasic
07-19-2017, 7:17 AM
I don't know about Prismacolor but would suspect that they may not be very light fast. Try a metal acid dye such as TransTint. I use lacquer over TransTint and notice no color shift.

Robert Marshall
07-19-2017, 7:23 AM
I would be interested to hear about the wire stitching on the left side, including why and how. Beautiful plate and decoration, too!

jared herbert
07-19-2017, 9:06 AM
I would be interested to hear about the wire stitching on the left side, including why and how. Beautiful plate and decoration, too!

regarding the stitching. There was a crack in the end grain that was quite visible. I enlarged it so it would be more visible then just drilled a series of holes and laced it up with some copper wire, the ends are twisted and pushed in the crack on the back side. It doesn't add any strength but people sure seem to like it. I havenot sold a huge amount of pieces but if a piece has some of the stitching on it, people will buy it first before a very similar piece that does not have the stitching. Maple seems to be particularly prone to small cracks like this, at least the maple that I get from northern Mn, locals call it frost checks. So I do this rather than throw an otherwise very good bowl blank. Jared

jared herbert
07-19-2017, 9:09 AM
Thanks for all the nice comments. I do have some transtint dye but it is kind of messy and I am very prone to getting it in places where it shouldn't be. The Prismacolor markers are supposed to be light fast at least according to what I have read.

My next project, I am going to attempt to make a lupine flower head and leaves on a plate. Have to see how that goes, a lot more flower petals to deal with.

Thanks again Jared