View Full Version : That Standing Desk Project, a PIP

steven c newman
07-17-2017, 8:52 PM
Moved the desk to the front room of the house, hoping the was enough light, and room (barely) to apply the first coat of varnish..
Spread out the newspaper and tried to fit my fat body around this, with brush in hand...
Them feet are a LONG way down there, was hard to reach....
Worked my way around it..
Even under the lid, and the insides....left the Poplar floor alone.
Have since rubbed it down with 0000 steel wool, with wipe it down tomorrow with a tack rag, before coat #2 goes on.
I guess this is a PIP? :rolleyes: Project thread was getting a bit long-winded, anyway.:eek:

Stay tuned, will post what happens with the second coat .....

steven c newman
07-18-2017, 5:03 PM
Stood the desk up on it's top. Added foot pads. Just nail each in place.

While it was just sitting there, feet in the air, I applied coat #2 of the varnish....needed a little help to get it back up onto it's own four feet. Then the rest of the desk was second coated. Yes, even under the lid, again. Will let it set until tomorrow, and see how it turns out. Cleaned the brush, to have it ready for the next time.

Stay tuned.....Delivery Day is fast approaching....:eek:

James Pallas
07-18-2017, 6:38 PM
Nicely done Steven. Candy box about done also. You better get busy on something else. What is the old story of "idle hands".

Mike Baker 2
07-18-2017, 10:11 PM
That's beautiful! Very nice, Steven.

Stew Denton
07-18-2017, 10:18 PM

Turned out quite nicely!

I enjoyed watching it go together. Thanks!


steven c newman
07-19-2017, 2:23 PM
Thanks for looking in.

How about some Finished Project photos? Desk IS done..
corner details
Front details...
Step back a ways....do you think that Pastor will like his new desk?

Nicholas Lawrence
07-19-2017, 9:22 PM
Well done.

Pat Barry
07-20-2017, 6:57 AM
Very nice work steven. I'm sure it will be appreciated and we'll used.