View Full Version : Osage see-through HF

Dennis Ford
07-16-2017, 7:04 PM
I have had this gnarly chunk of Osage for several years but did not have a plan for it. Still did not have a plan but turned it anyway today. I am happy that it mostly stayed together (I had to remove a section when it began to make the telltale "clicking" sound). I did not believe it would survive being reversed, so I carved away the section that had been attached to a face-plate. It is just over 10" diameter and is finished with tung oil. Comments and critiques welcome.

David Delo
07-16-2017, 7:50 PM
That piece would have had that telltale clicking sound while it was still on my shelf Dennis. Quite a save indeed and a real accomplishment keeping it together. Wow factor in spades.

Bill Jobe
07-16-2017, 8:24 PM
I love it!

robert baccus
07-16-2017, 9:29 PM
You really went all out on that piece--very good.

Paul Millo
07-16-2017, 9:33 PM
I'm surprised that piece didn't blow up. Very nice piece indeed.

Thomas Canfield
07-16-2017, 9:37 PM
See Through!!!!!!!!! Barely there would be more like it. Great piece. I like the shape. Glad you got it finished. The OO is hard wood for sure. I think I still have a piece of Osage Orange you gave me about 8 or 9 years back that I had turned (almost beat me to death), exposing ant nest in hollow center, and need to do some carving or shaping the rim area but keep putting aside. Guess this is a little jab to go finish it. Just don't look for finished piece at SWAT this year.

Doug Herzberg
07-17-2017, 9:28 AM
I've had much more solid pieces of Osage blow up just looking at them. I'm glad you and the piece survived.

Wes Ramsey
07-17-2017, 3:08 PM
Beautiful work!

I did a similar piece last year from a holly stump. After I got the outside done and sanded I wrapped it in several layers of packing cellophane and it held together very well. My only dislike about that method is that if you wrap it tightly it can cause the edges to pull inward when the wood gets thin enough. But it does keep it from flying apart.