View Full Version : Harbor Freight Plane Saves My Millers Falls

Mike Baker 2
07-12-2017, 2:45 PM
I have a Millers Falls hand plane, somewhat the equivalent of a Stanley #5. It was the first "vintage" plane I ever owned. I used it for 2 or 3 years before I got my #5C from my Dad.
It was one of Millers Falls' Economy line, with the plastic handles. Those handles are why I retired it. They are in the forefront of the pic below, and the grooves and ridges in them did a number on my hands. Very uncomfortable, and could never get them to tighten down.
I recently read a post here about the HF plane, and it was suggested that the handle and tote, even though the plane was not very good, might make a good replacement for a Stanley plane's handle and tote. I thought, "15 bucks? Might as well try it on the Millers Falls".
I think it turned out great. I had to do a little widening of a hole in the underside of the tote to get it to fit over the little nub in the MF plane body, but it tightened down solid, and will not move.
I tried to put the old knob back on the front of the HF plane body, just to see, and it would not fit. I think that the bolt is just a bit too fat for the hole. But both handle and tote tightened down solid on my Millers Falls, and will not budge, even with the use of considerable force. So I think I will be just fine.
Be nice to use this plane again. I plan to convert it to a scrub plane, which I certainly could have used flattening the top of the work bench I'm building.
IMO, for $15, it is worth it just for replacement handles, and who knows, I might just make a woodie with the iron later on.


Rick Malakoff
07-12-2017, 5:06 PM
Smart move!

george wilson
07-13-2017, 8:17 AM
Now,take the left over BODY of the Harbor Freight plane,gut it,and make an infill out of it like Derek Cohen did. It was rosewood stuffed,no adjusters,and a cool plane. And,get rid of th SPOKE SHAVE blade of the HF and use a regular LONG blade. And,I don't mean one of those ugly,square topped irons either.

Mike Baker 2
07-13-2017, 8:30 AM
Now,take the left over BODY of the Harbor Freight plane,gut it,and make an infill out of it like Derek Cohen did. It was rosewood stuffed,no adjusters,and a cool plane. And,get rid of th SPOKE SHAVE blade of the HF and use a regular LONG blade. And,I don't mean one of those ugly,square topped irons either.

Is there a link to this plane? It sounds like a great idea. If he had to do any milling, etc., it won't be possible for me. Hand tools only; no access to anything but a hand drill or angle grinder.
But it sounds like a plan. I hate throwing anything away. :P

lowell holmes
07-13-2017, 9:14 AM
Send a private message to Derek. I am sure he will respond.

Mike Baker 2
07-13-2017, 9:27 AM
Great idea! I have been searching since I posted that last post.

Alan Schwabacher
07-14-2017, 12:37 PM
Just go to Derek's website (inthewoodshop dot com) and look in the shop made tools category for "A galoot's infill smoother".

Paul K. Johnson
07-14-2017, 4:18 PM
Those plastic handles look horrible. It's another example of manufacturers not doing any real product testing before releasing the item to the market. $15 seems like a bargain. Buying wood handles would probably cost about double that.

Mike Baker 2
07-14-2017, 5:30 PM
Those plastic handles look horrible. It's another example of manufacturers not doing any real product testing before releasing the item to the market. $15 seems like a bargain. Buying wood handles would probably cost about double that.

Yep, I think you are right. They aren't the most beautiful, but they are a sight better than what was on it.
Alan, thanks. I emailed Derek and he was more than helpful.