View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
07-09-2017, 11:08 PM
10 July 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
It's been a busy weekend with getting stuff done around the house, helping a co-worker build a small shelf for his home, and cleaning up stuff in a part of the shop. Got the finish put on the chair and we start upholstery work on it this week. The good news is that we can work on that inside the house where it's much cooler than working in the heat and humidity of the shop.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Paul Girouard
07-09-2017, 11:23 PM
Worked Saturday building subtops for some P.Lam we'll install this week, and setting cabinets , also installed a full mortise pocket door privacy set.




On Sunday I made a round ceiling of a cabinet a laundry chute passes thru , and made two different mock ups of a. Back band we'll be making and installing soon. Also glued up and machined a wall cap , and sorted out the details of that router bit I was seeking last week.



A productive weekend!

Darcy Warner
07-10-2017, 12:13 AM
Moved 30 pieces of machinery to another part of my building, unloaded and stacked 7500 BF of lumber, built a crate for a bandsaw and started making a card box for my wedding in 6 days.

Wayne Lomman
07-10-2017, 1:33 AM
Darcy, best wishes for the wedding. Look up the song "May Your Fridge Be Full of Coldies" by Greg Champion. I can't wish anyone more than that.

Cut firewood, drove the kids to Cradle Mountain to start their annual hike down the Overland Track. It's 8 days in spectacular frozen wilderness through the Tasmanian World Heritage area. I pick them up at Lake St Clair next weekend. Not a trip for the faint Hearted in winter. Cheers

Jim Becker
07-10-2017, 8:11 AM
The normal eclectic weekend for me...mowed the lawn, cut up that walnut tree that destroyed one of our honeybee colonies and finally got the retaining wall for a little driveway/parking expansion constructed. There is still some backfill to be done before I lay down a few inches of stone to complete this job, but I have a few more hydraulic hoses to replace as previously mentioned. I have business travel to Birmingham this week and hope to be able to pull those hoses on Friday afternoon.

https://s3a9qg-sn3301.files.1drv.com/y4mR2_nwqsxa1NhAXgXAhTDMcaK5JjYt9-77i5lrOEvwkEJ6QixSJxLQavvcy8h_fHr02WuMCJpK6cmP4Omc R57OiOwxvrDDmlLb_Q80SIjyQEP6Q189EJWCE-6WlVY32aktV08rzT3p4zPla-njB6jf6ER3NXm-Cyt2fprzdD7xw92vINEKxrYdmbad_9Z-cckWVC7q8Cidj4_BR7Qxif08A?width=660&height=495&cropmode=none

Jay Larson
07-10-2017, 12:35 PM
Saturday repair welded a windmill for a neighbor and a rooster decoration for a friend. Then I put the final coat of finish on a cabinet top and floating shelf. That night we went to a local concert/fundraiser to see Foghat, Grand Funk Railroad, and George Thorogood.

Sunday I put roundup on the weeds in the yard AGAIN. As in the landscaper has not been here to put in the lawn, and probably won't be here for a couple of weeks due to all the rain we have been getting. He told me they have not put in any lawns in the last month. The concrete contractor has not done any outside concrete in the same time. Then I installed the shelf in our bathroom.

Tom Bain
07-11-2017, 8:53 AM
I started working on my kitchen booth project, but more importantly I assembled my early birthday present, a new woodpeckers router table. So. Many. Bolts. Eventually I will build a "Norm-style" cabinet to put the table on, but this puts my old set-up to shame.


Jim Dwight
07-11-2017, 8:42 PM
The key thing I did was to help my son and his wife remove the ugly dark blue and white checkerboard counter top and backsplash from their kitchen and replace it with granite tile they got from Wayfair. Neither of them had laid tile before. My son and I used his demo hammer to remove the tile from the counters while my daughter in law got us the thinset and a rental tile saw. We had the tile down on the counters and backsplash in one day (Saturday). They grouted and cleaned up Sunday. I taught both to use the wet saw and to lay the thinset. I was the helper by the end. They enjoyed it. They are moving but the new counters will help that house sell. The old tile was seriously ugly. Cost was less than 10% of the cost of granite slab counters.

Rod Sheridan
07-12-2017, 12:04 PM
Hi, no woodworking again, my youngest daughter has been in the hospital for 5 weeks now and just had her second emergency surgery last Friday night.

Hopefully, she can start recovering now..........Rod.