View Full Version : Replacing Equalizer Bearing in Millers Falls Eggbeater Drills...Source for Thumb Nut?

Matthew Hutchinson477
07-08-2017, 3:01 PM
I bet at least a few folks here have found an old eggbeater drill that's missing the equalizer bearing screw:

Well, maybe it doesn't make a bit of difference, and maybe I just suck at drilling with a hand drill, but I swear my hand drilling skill and efficiency will increase at least two-fold if I can replace that stupid little screw and make my drill operate more smoothly. Efforts to find an original replacement have been fruitless (big surprise, right?) so onto making my own replacement. A set screw is easy enough to find but I'm having a tough time finding a knurled thumb nut that is aesthetically pleasing. Ya, it's a little petty and I could definitely just use any thumb nut from the hardware store, but I'd like to keep this thing looking as close to the original as possible. This drill (Millers Falls No. 105) belonged to my grandfather and is entirely original so the extra effort, as ridiculous as it may seem, is worth it to me.

Anyway, something like this would work after a little time with a needle file:


But, at $25, the price is a bit ridiculous for a knurled thumb nut.

Has anyone found a source for an original? Or at least a better source for a replacement than what I've been able to find? Is it unreasonable that I expect to be as skilled as someone like Roy Underhill after replacing this minor part?

A slight tangent as well. I was planning on using a brass set screw so that it wouldn't scratch or wear down the metal on the wheel. I figured I'd round the end of the screw and polish it so it would function as smoothly as possible. Anyone have any better solutions or is this the way to go?

Bill Houghton
07-08-2017, 3:46 PM
Check out McMaster-Carr. There are some metric thumb nuts that look similar - they'd need cutting down and rethreading, but with a little attention, might work.

Jim Koepke
07-08-2017, 5:08 PM
Maybe something like this?


Some set screws are made with a nylon tip to avoid scratching or denting.
