View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
07-04-2017, 10:19 PM
5 July 2017

Good Evening / Morning Everyone,
I'm getting an early start on posting as I have things to do early in the morning. :)
The LOML and I got away for a couple of days. The first time we've gone out on our own in several years. It was much needed to relax, sleep in, and eat out without having to cook, clean, or wash dishes. Really nice and we'll have to do that again before too long.
It's been raining and storming here off and on a good bit and with it being hot and near 100% humidity all the time, it's really hard for me to get the get-up and go...to get in the shop and sweat all over everything. ;)
We cooked out for the 4th of July and celebrated the LOML Jr's birthday as well. Food, family, and fun....how could I ask for more!!

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this Independence Day weekend?

Best of weeks to you all!

John K Jordan
07-04-2017, 11:00 PM
Drove to Macon, GA for son's wedding. Took 308 photos. Wife and I celebrated our 47th anniversary on the same day.

Snatched some just-hatched baby guineas from the warm nest of a very angry and aggressive mama guinea hen.

Built a custom circuit to sound a very loud alert in my new little 4wd farm truck if put into gear with the parking brake engaged. The Kubota factory's design is a tiny idiot light on the dash. Unacceptable.

Turned a bit of Cocobolo on the lathe.

Suffered through eating some fresh blueberry pie, courtesy of our bushes and the Best Cook in the southeast. A terrible job but somebody has to do it.


Brian Henderson
07-05-2017, 1:11 AM
Spent the weekend getting ready for the roofers to show up tomorrow, only now, they probably won't come until Monday because we have a high probability of rain for the next 3 days. If it's not one thing, it's another. Wound up buying a new TV after ours died last night. So that's how I spend my 4th.

Wayne Lomman
07-05-2017, 5:31 AM
Drove down to Snug (yes it is a real place and they are liars because there was black ice everywhere!) to pick up a car identical to one of ours for spare parts. Haunted the wood heater for the rest of the weekend nursing man flu. Cheers

John A langley
07-05-2017, 9:24 AM
Made these 363250

Jay Larson
07-05-2017, 12:20 PM
Hmm, have to think. We went camping for a night up to northern Wisconsin on Friday night. (I forgot how bad traffic is on a holiday weekend.) Came back Saturday to see Duke Roubilard play at a local festival.

Sunday I started organizing my garage area of the outbuilding in preparation of housing the car hauler trailer and Jeep Wrangler. Then we went to see the VelveetaTones and The Jimmies play at the same festival.

Worked Monday, and put some handles on my screw cabinet.

Yesterday we went for a 15 mile bicycle ride, then went kayaking for a few hours and finally went to see the fireworks.

Today I am in to work to rest...

Bruce Page
07-05-2017, 12:37 PM
Made these 363250
John, assuming the piece on the left is engraved wood, did you use a paint mask?

Gary Cunningham
07-05-2017, 5:43 PM
I made a 'hidden hose holder' for my sister-n-law. One of those 'here's a pic, can you make me one ' projects.

My 1st time using cedar (from the blue borg). That stuff chips/splinters or cracks if you look at it mean.

Jim Becker
07-05-2017, 9:39 PM
My extra long weekend had a major project planned...expansion of our parking area so that "The Princess" would have more space and things wouldn't be so tight for "through traffic", such as her parents' vehicles or the big brown truck. 23000 lbs of stone and $400 of timbers were ready and waiting. An hour into the project on Saturday after picking up the lumber, I blew a hydraulic hose on my backhoe. It was also 15 minutes past when all three of the local tractor dealers were closed for the remainder of the weekend. So I worked on other things through Sunday and got the hoses replaced on Monday after I was done with physical therapy. Now, mind you...hydraulic hoses follow the Murphy's Law corollaries for plumbing projects, meaning you cannot go to the supplier just once...there's ALWAYS a return trip. In this case, I couldn't get the original fitting off the chunk of broken hose and had to go back to the tractor place and get their help. (Having only one hand with full strength only partially explains this... :o ) At any rate I got a good chunk of the digging done later that day and spent the morning of the 4th playing lumberjack, cutting up a downed tree from Sunday's nasty weather. Unfortunately, another tree was also down...and it took out hive number 4 with it, missing hive number 3 by two inches.

https://shahwq-sn3301.files.1drv.com/y4m91JEyMLtvDOitY9TqwwAScfGGvbGceF0N_2eP7aHUV0srP7 18kMZZOF1iXEzdRcHH8iI_5Q3eYxN4XK0xHID501RtfPVk0cH8 Z4Hcz00GXoWmt-rtCeXqSaKfFKUyqXVXkJc0vGWiKlOscKUzkqIjE8GXpW8-ee2OYS_JeyBwQJsfmqxikhhyjjkmggnrOrX5v1kf01Tq2dgShm X8Ke05Q?width=660&height=660&cropmode=none

https://sxahwq-sn3301.files.1drv.com/y4mPXXEMy7mdSOD-8o6KAhd9BUEHimYAa21fch9HKgPPVswZs4B8wJu5MaS2ahv6Pe NoeE95N4wMd0oZCx3DBvVcT5E3qH8w4Nt4Hs0s37A_NgNLIww5 iTxpPOgrDu7c7Icr2kStc4lnGL-zyZXV4VupKHEzcNaV6mklTeHkPvhQAmQA2TzXWHrWjC7_KENV8 RcQyQpslstRsnexgfVhVs5pQ?width=660&height=660&cropmode=none

And to top it all off...the tree company taking down a nearly dead ash tree at the end of the driveway on the north side that we share with a neighbor (as well as the neighbor's tree that got knocked over by the wind, hitting their home) managed to drop a branch on the fiber optic cable from the street that provides our Verizon FiOS service...and cracking the fiber at the strain relief, which is pretty hard to do. Imagine three days with no Internet, no phone and no wireless phone service because the microcell couldn't get to the Internet...with four family members who pretty much are online if they are awake, me included. Oh, my...it was painful. :D

Rod Sheridan
07-06-2017, 8:02 AM

And to top it all off...the tree company taking down a nearly dead ash tree at the end of the driveway on the north side that we share with a neighbor (as well as the neighbor's tree that got knocked over by the wind, hitting their home) managed to drop a branch on the fiber optic cable from the street that provides our Verizon FiOS service...and cracking the fiber at the strain relief, which is pretty hard to do. Imagine three days with no Internet, no phone and no wireless phone service because the microcell couldn't get to the Internet...with four family members who pretty much are online if they are awake, me included. Oh, my...it was painful. :D

LOL, first world problems for sure Jim.:D

Sounds like you had a productive weekend regardless.

Do the bees come back when the hive is destroyed?

Regards, Rod.

Rod Sheridan
07-06-2017, 8:09 AM
363330363331Hi, I didn't do anything wood work related last weekend however this week I helped my friend Frank move his new shaper from the driveway, through his backyard and up the steps into his shop.

Regards, Rod.

John K Jordan
07-06-2017, 8:20 AM
Oh no! Did you salvage the colony or was it too late? If not, and that one is a starter without harvestable honey I guess the consolation prize is the other hives can salvage what there is. What a disappointment. I wish I could send you one of the two hives I started from swarms this year - they are both going strong. (I have six colonies now, almost too many)

I lost my internet for a few days last week when a cable modem went flaky on a weekend. It was frustrating but kind of peaceful. I also have a personal broadband Verizon cell "tower" (a Femtocell) but it's worthless without broadband!!

Odd coincidence perhaps, but every time I've blown a hydraulic line it's been on the backhoe. Is there a reason for that, higher stress or something? The Napa auto parts store builds hoses here.


Rod Sheridan
07-06-2017, 11:03 AM
Odd coincidence perhaps, but every time I've blown a hydraulic line it's been on the backhoe. Is there a reason for that, higher stress or something? The Napa auto parts store builds hoses here.


John, sounds like lack of preventive maintenance.

Do you change the hoses out in compliance with the manufacturer's schedule?

Regards, Rod.

Jim Becker
07-06-2017, 11:23 AM
Do the bees come back when the hive is destroyed?

Oh no! Did you salvage the colony or was it too late? If not, and that one is a starter without harvestable honey I guess the consolation prize is the other hives can salvage what there is. What a disappointment. I wish I could send you one of the two hives I started from swarms this year - they are both going strong. (I have six colonies now, almost too many)

The Professor salvaged a few bees from that colony, but many of them died from getting suddenly crushed or from the driving rain. These bees will get combined into one or more of our 5 other colonies, so no worries. And some replacement parts arrived today from Mann Lake...primarily frames, as we already had boxes in reserve.

Odd coincidence perhaps, but every time I've blown a hydraulic line it's been on the backhoe. Is there a reason for that, higher stress or something? The Napa auto parts store builds hoses here.

The hose that completely blew out was one of the originals from 2002 when the machine was built and was the feed from the tractor to the 'hoe. What a mess since it dumped a lot of fluid before I got things shut down! The second hose I replaced was also dated 2002 and was replaced because of a pin-hole leak. Unfortunately, I missed a third with a pin-hole and will have to do that another time since the routing of that hose is difficult and requires partial disassembly of the 'hoe to get it in place. And now I've noticed one going on the FEL. LOL The machine is amazingly reliable, but hoses...well...they come and go.

John K Jordan
07-06-2017, 1:39 PM
...The second hose I replaced was also dated 2002 and was replaced because of a pin-hole leak. Unfortunately, I missed a third with a pin-hole and will have to do that another time since the routing of that hose is difficult and requires partial disassembly of the 'hoe to get it in place. And now I've noticed one going on the FEL. LOL The machine is amazingly reliable, but hoses...well...they come and go.

Like when one headlight blows, perhaps just replace all of them at once and be good for another 15 years. Unless it's more fun to do one or two at a time. :D


Jim Becker
07-06-2017, 8:49 PM
John, with the 'hoe, the hoses from the valves have to pass behind the main "up/down" hinge point of the tool and to replace them, one has to pound out the pin. (which is about an inch and a quarter in diameter and also serves to distribute grease to the joint) So replacing multiple hoses makes sense because of the workload involved. Unfortunately, I missed that pin-hole in another hose as mentioned, meaning I have to "redo" the disassembly again to remove that hose and replace it. Nature of the beast... ;)

John K Jordan
07-07-2017, 12:54 AM
John, with the 'hoe, the hoses from the valves have to pass behind the main "up/down" hinge point of the tool and to replace them, one has to pound out the pin. (which is about an inch and a quarter in diameter and also serves to distribute grease to the joint) So replacing multiple hoses makes sense because of the workload involved. Unfortunately, I missed that pin-hole in another hose as mentioned, meaning I have to "redo" the disassembly again to remove that hose and replace it. Nature of the beast... ;)

What a pain. Reminds me of trying to take apart enough of my skid steer to install new seals in a cylinder. After hours of beating my head against, er, my sledge hammer against the pin I was so frustrated I gave up and hauled the whole machine to the shop!

I love my little backhoe - it's mounted on a sub frame and powered from a separate hydraulic pump driven by the Kubota PTO. However, it only digs 7.5' max (quite an effort to bury a horse) and does not have quite the power I'd like for digging stumps. I've been lobbying for a mini-ex/trackhoe for several years now ("just a little used one, dear, it would be so cute") but My Lovely Bride the Financial Manager is not yet swayed. I figure the lobbyist needs to bring to the table three more trips to Italy, one each to Ireland, Australia, and Greenland, a two-week return to Hawaii, PLUS the new deck, entrance, new wood siding, AND cleaning out the garage. The garage part will be the hardest... :)


Jim Becker
07-07-2017, 11:36 AM
My BX-22 is small, but it has paid for itself more than once, I suspect. Yes, not able to "pull" stumps, but I can dig them out once they've been degraded enough by "Mother Nature" and I haven't had to dig anything truly deep with it. Perfect for my homeowner/small property use. Subframe is integral and the 'hoe runs off the hydrostatic system native to the tractor. It's rare that the backhoe is off the machine because it's the perfect traction weight, too, at about 600+ lbs. for balancing out FEL work :)

Jim Dwight
07-07-2017, 11:51 AM
I moved my wife to an apartment Saturday so she can avoid the worst of the home remodel under way (drywall and floor refinish), don't remember what I did Sunday, put a pedestal sink in Monday and replaced an outside door (with help from my grown son) Tuesday. The pedestal sink was the worst. 3 trips to the store. compression style shutoff blew off the copper pipe when I turned the water back on. Only me home. Made a mess. I was lazy and didn't use wrenches to tighten it. I have 10 more to install soon although a bunch will be in cpvc so they're different, probably glue those in. I will use wrenches, and not pliers, for those for sure.

Exterior door went pretty well considering it was secured unusually with 3/4 board that went to framing behind the brick. My Ryobi cordless reciprocating saw with a fresh p108 battery let me cut the old door out pretty quick. My son is pretty strong so he did the heaviest lifting. We put I a steel full view door so it was heavy. The jamb wasn't rotted so it got reused. Biggest frustration on the door was the kwikset locks. Why do they have to have 4 plates that all have to line up? Temporarily taping 2 to the door helped.

Gregory King
07-08-2017, 7:24 AM
Like when one headlight blows, perhaps just replace all of them at once and be good for another 15 years. Unless it's more fun to do one or two at a time. :D


Right on the money John. Have replaced the headlight bulbs many times in our vehicle. Always one at a time only to have the other one fail next week. So the last time when I went to pick one up, The parts guy asked " Do you want one or two". I smiled and said " Oh definently two."