View Full Version : Ring box

Damon McLaughlin
07-04-2017, 3:44 AM
My cousin and his fiance wanted a ring box, it took some time to come up with some inspiration and this is what I ended up turning. Walnut and sycamore. The finial isn't exactly what I wanted but it was really hard turning left handed with a skew.




Greg Parrish
07-04-2017, 7:05 AM
Turned out great. Love it.

ed hoxter
07-04-2017, 7:50 AM
I really like it, might try something similar myself. GREAT JOB ED

daryl moses
07-04-2017, 8:03 AM
Very nice, love the two wood combinations they go well together. Finial looks fine to me!

John K Jordan
07-04-2017, 9:04 AM
Outstanding! Very nice form, colors, and finish. And beautiful wood! (I have to be careful about saying that after I heard someone say "if you can't say anything nice about the turning, say 'what beautiful wood! look at that grain/figure! I love the [whatever doesn't look bad]'" :) ) I can't lie, this turning is beautiful!

I'm glad you included photos from different angles. The varied lighting (and the shot with the lid off) really shows off the piece. Your photography is excellent.

And turning left handed is wonderful practice! Not so wonderful if due to dexterity necessity...


Kyle Iwamoto
07-04-2017, 12:37 PM
SWEET! Very nice job, even if it is left handed.:) I also try to turn things left handed. It supposed to help with not getting repetitive motion injuries.
What's a skew?

Damon McLaughlin
07-04-2017, 3:14 PM
Thank you guys for your compliments. I wrapped it up and gave it to my cousin yesterday. It hurt to part with it. It seems that as each month passes I get a little bit better, with the photography too.

At first I just had the lid sitting inside the box but it would never sit quite right. So I remounted the box and cut a narrow ledge and now it sits perfect every time.

Allan Ferguson
07-05-2017, 2:19 PM
That ledge was what I do in things like this. A very nicely done piece.