View Full Version : Versatec/Azek plugs

Larry Edgerton
07-02-2017, 12:53 PM
I had posted a couple of years ago about trying to make plugs for cellular plastic. My best attempt was using liquid nitrogen spraying on the bit/plastic but any other method was causing melting. I was on the Versatec board at the time and they had not come up with a solution yet.

So...... Today I am working in the shop making something out of Versatec that has to be screwed together and I had an idea. When I tried before I had a woodworking drill press, can't remember the lowest speed, but it was too fast. I had since bought a Clausing drill press made for metal that goes down to 150 rpm, and down to 75rpm if I use the VFD. So I tried it. It works, even at 150 rpm. As a bonus they come out just a hair over the given cutter so make a nice snug fit with no glue. I tried 3/8, then tried a 1" using a cutter from Veritas, both worked perfectly. You do have to clear the chips a couple of times, but I have a foot operated air blower that took care of that part handily. I did them on the edge of a board and sliced them off with the tablesaw.

The old drill press was just too fast.

I know some of you guys work with the material so thought I would pass this along....


Evan Stewart
07-02-2017, 6:52 PM
That's interesting Larry, about 40% of my business is still renovation work and we use a lot of both. Last year i did a pergola for a woman using azek and it was 14' wide so i decided to rabbet out a section to imbed some 1/2" steel. I brought it into the shop and holy cow it took weeks to get all the plastic shavings off everything. The static made it cling to everything even with the dust collector.

Larry Edgerton
07-02-2017, 6:58 PM
That's interesting Larry, about 40% of my business is still renovation work and we use a lot of both. Last year i did a pergola for a woman using azek and it was 14' wide so i decided to rabbet out a section to imbed some 1/2" steel. I brought it into the shop and holy cow it took weeks to get all the plastic shavings off everything. The static made it cling to everything even with the dust collector.

I embed aluminum in it quite often for newel posts. Did some today as a matter of fact.

Spray yourself and you machines with static guard. Does not cause rust and it stops the buildup. I use it on my shaper all the time. You can also clean your glasses with static guard, stops the dust buildup with plastic lenses with plastic and wood both.