View Full Version : E.C. Atkins and Co. saw- how to sharpen? (Contains a wee bit o' humor)

Malcolm Schweizer
06-30-2017, 10:08 AM
I bought this saw and I love it, but it is rather dull. It works ok- great for sawing in tight spots. The problem is it is dull, and I don't have any files small enough. It's got a great etch. The handle is a bit small for my liking.


Joe Tilson
06-30-2017, 10:41 AM
An ultra fine needle file might do the trick. Beware, it might take all of five minutes work.:D

Malcolm Schweizer
06-30-2017, 10:47 AM
I'm looking for any Lilliputions that might be reading this thread to help me out.

Mel Fulks
06-30-2017, 11:27 AM
Sorry,I live in Brobdingnag. I find the Liliputions small minded ....but excellent termite inspectors!

Barney Markunas
06-30-2017, 1:12 PM
I know sharp cures an awful lot of problems but maybe this time dull is not such a bad thing.

Malcolm Schweizer
06-30-2017, 3:18 PM
This is the thin kerf model.

Clint Bach
06-30-2017, 7:11 PM
First you need to find an appropriate saw set....

steven c newman
06-30-2017, 8:15 PM
I happen to know where the rest of that tool set is.....

steven c newman
06-30-2017, 8:53 PM
An Antique Mall in Centerville, IN.....has almost the complete set.....

Malcolm Schweizer
06-30-2017, 9:24 PM
An Antique Mall in Centerville, IN.....has almost the complete set.....

Do tell. What else was in the set?

Bill Houghton
06-30-2017, 9:35 PM
Do tell. What else was in the set?

A felling axe, of course, for cutting down blades of grass to make into projects.

steven c newman
06-30-2017, 9:41 PM
A smooth plane, a brace and bit, and a few other hand tools, sold by MARX.....

Malcolm Schweizer
07-01-2017, 1:37 AM
A smooth plane, a brace and bit, and a few other hand tools, sold by MARX.....
Those aren't the same. This is actually a piece of jewelry advertising for the E. C. Atkins Saw Company, and was likely accompanied by a pocket watch chain at one time.