View Full Version : electrical wiring article

Gary Kittleson
10-24-2005, 11:16 PM
There was a "recent" article relating to wiring 240 in the magazine world. I'm not sure which mag. it was in, possibly Popular Woodworking, or perhaps another....

The article dealt with taking 120 off of a 220 run. Does anyone remember which mag. and which edition it was in? (have to get ready for my Gorilla to arrive)



Steve Schoene
10-24-2005, 11:26 PM
You need to have the additional neutral (white) wire included in the run so that you can get a 120 v. outlet using one of the two hot wires--black or red or white labeled black. This is done in some appliances which have both 240 circuits and 120 circuits.

jon harriman
10-25-2005, 9:48 AM
I am pretty sure that was in Wood magazine. It was either the current issue, or the previous month. I need to do the same to my workshop/.

10-25-2005, 8:21 PM
I have a diagram explaining it on my web site. I don't think I'm allowed to link to web site here, but I think I can say that if you think of Happy Woodworking, you'll be able to find it.

Gary Kittleson
10-26-2005, 6:43 AM
Thanks, Mark. I'll check it out.

I found the article in question. Popular Woodworking, Oct.edition.

Jason Roehl
10-26-2005, 9:54 AM
Mark, your website isn't your own commercial site, so you can link to it (just not in your signature), so to save you the extra post, I think this is the link you would've posted:


Frank Chaffee
11-10-2005, 7:47 PM
Hello All,

In the “Letters” column of the December issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine, there is a contribution from a reader suggesting that one circuitry diagram, described in the October issue’s “Efficient Shop Wiring” article may be dangerous. Referring to the sidebar “Easy Automatic Dust Control”, the reader points out that a SPST (single pole, single throw), switch should actually be a DPDT (double pole, double throw), switch. In responding, the author of the article concurs with the reader’s reasoning, and recommends that his suggestion be used.

Please note that I am in no way shape manner or form qualified to comment on the veracity of this information, and I am only wishing to pass on what I have read.
