View Full Version : Wader's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-23-2003, 9:25 AM
Well....another weekend has come and gone.....the temps and humidity are on the rise and my shop time is getting more and more limited due to medication I am on for my heart and blood pressure.

No shop time this weekend.....just yard work and smoked a couple of chickens for dinner. I did start a "well house" for a guy at work that looks for like a Gazebo....all rough framing is done and loaded onto my trailer for hauling to his place.

Best of weeks.......

Mike Schwing
06-23-2003, 9:29 AM
Long bike rides, long swims, long grass (aarrggh!), long drives to pick up niece who is visiting all this week.

Did spend several hours tuning up a bunch of hand planes.

Bob Lasley
06-23-2003, 10:03 AM
My shop time came from what I got teaching a class on Saturday. Rest of the weekend was devoted to family activities: arena football game, aquarium, zoo, then nap to recover.

Have a great week all,

Jim Becker
06-23-2003, 10:09 AM
Well...this was actually a productive weekend, especially since it was too wet to even "think" about doing anything with the grass! :D

This was basically a finishing weekend. The faceframes, drawer fronts and doors for the "fabulous fake fireplace" insert cabinet got their white PSL and satin clear coats and by sometime tonight will be installed. The pantry cabinets, previously primed, got their coating of Fuhr 9100 acrylic and I've very, very pleased with the results. (I really like the Fuhr acrylic...goes on like a dream and dries very quickly)

I also cleaned out the present pantry area, painted the portion to remain as a utility closet and put up new, more efficient shelves. Additional shelving will be added when the partition goes up between that area and what will be the formal pantry.

Pictures below are 1) "FFF" face frame getting sprayed 2) upper pantry cabinet primed and masked for finishing 3) pantry lower unit with finish applied and doors going through "final fitting" and adjustment and 4) pantry upper cabinet with face frame installed.

Noah Alkinburgh
06-23-2003, 11:32 AM
Made my first hand tools...well they are toy hand tools. Kids are going to a 4 yo bday party on Saturday so i am making him a little tool box.

Got a backsaw and square built with parts for a mallet and screwdriver cut up. I will post some pics soon.

Also got a sweet deal on a gas grill at a garage sale, took a walk in the rain with my daugther, and mowed the lawn.

Pretty good weekend


Jeff DeLashmit
06-23-2003, 11:37 AM
Built a couple sets of washer boxes - think mobile horseshoes but with washers about 2" in dia. 4" pvc tube in middle as the "stake" and 18" hexagon box as the "pit" Also worked on building/finnishing a playroom for my almost 3 year old (have to have done by his birthday July 14th)

Curt Harms
06-23-2003, 11:49 AM
Plumbing's not my favorite thing, but SWMO wants a water softener so off to Lowe's for a WaterBoss 700. 25 sweated joints so far and only 1 dripped . Reheated it and that one's fine. To the unschooled observer, it almost looks like I know what I'm going. :D


Jim Young
06-23-2003, 3:39 PM
No woodworknig this weekend. My Dad came by to pick up the kids, we are now child less for the next two weeks. That means just me, my wife and the shop.

Steven Wilson
06-23-2003, 3:41 PM
Tuned up six planes; those Shapton stones are fantastic. Also cleaned up and changed the oil in a motorcycle I'm selling, and started rubbing out a vase stand I'm working on.

Jim Becker
06-23-2003, 4:21 PM
No woodworknig this weekend. My Dad came by to pick up the kids, we are now child less for the next two weeks. That means just me, my wife and the shop.

No woodworking for you for two weeks!!! :D

Jeff Cybulski
06-23-2003, 7:21 PM
No shop time but bought a new house...with a 27x43 detached garage that will be my new shop. Quit a step, moving from a "neighborhood" to 3 acres in the country 35 miles north of here. Gonna be an adventure.

Have a great week.


Terry Quiram
06-23-2003, 8:05 PM
Spent the better part of Saturday on the working end of a spade. The garden is now without weeds. Prepped a large Maple log to try and get a big bowl blank, but it had a big internal crack. Roughed out 4 smallish Maple bowls. Finished sanding a Walnut and red Cedar bowl. Spent money at my favorite candy store (Woodcraft) for more lathe stuff.

Kevin Post
06-23-2003, 8:05 PM
No woodworking for me. My father came to vist for the weekend and we went to Deke Slayton's Airfest here in La Crosse, WI. We had great weather, an excellent spot to sit and a experienced a terrific performance by the Blue Angels. I've added a link to a photo I took of them flying information.

Blue Angels Photo (http://fp1.centurytel.net/sawdust/images/Blue_Angels.jpg)


John Miliunas
06-23-2003, 9:10 PM
Saturday, picked up some Oak and Aspen. (For those following a previous thread, it did turn out to be Aspen, not true Poplar. It's ok, though. Great price and great practice/setup wood.) Used up some firewood that I had resawn and dried. Made a couple prototype bracelette/necklace boxes. Spent quite a bit of time in the pool with my youngest, enjoying the beautiful weekend. Helped LOML with a couple mini-projects around the house. That'd be about it. Everyone have yourselves a great week! :cool:

Tom Sweeney
06-23-2003, 11:04 PM
Friday - survived the torrential downpour that resulted in only trucks & SUV's being able to get into my neighborhood. I got home to find out that our 1 year old puppy got into my MIL's blood pressure medicine & LOML got her to the vets - even though she drives a very low to the ground car - & thank God everything turned out alright. After she was done at the Vets she left the car outside the neighborhood & I picked her up in the Explorer.

Saturday I woke up at 9:30 & did not much of anything all day - Man did that feel good! Saturday Afternoon LOML jr. had one of her dance & song recitals - I went but we brought the puppy with us so we could keep an eye on her - so I didn't get to actually watch the show.

Sunday Church then I actually cut my grass - even though it was way too wet. I didn't know when I'd get another chance & it was realllly tall.

Then I took a chunk of an old maple tree & my new - to me - electric chainsaw & cut a small bowl blank. Set up my new - to me - lathe & started turning my first bowl. I was out there for about an hour when LOML came out to gently let me know it was 10:15 :D
I finished the bowl tonight - it came out pretty nice IMHO.

Have a great week!

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
06-23-2003, 11:07 PM
With sound back in my puter I was able to get out. Primed the trim and painted the Hardiboard on the south side of my shop. Also scraped the rear door to the bare wood in preperation for priming. And Ohhhhhhhh, my aching back!!!!

Ed Falis
06-24-2003, 11:19 AM
I finally got the first stakes down to civilize my basement into my shop (moved last month): 240 outlet wired, improved the lighting a little, tablesaw set up and adjusted, outfeed table positioned, router table set up, basic dust collection in place, and started refurbishing the Foley-Belsaw planer I picked up a few weeks ago.

So now we can start making some of the shelving we need. Feels like I got a lot done, even if it didn't make any sawdust beyond testing.

- Ed

Aaron Moore
06-24-2003, 12:47 PM
I managed to get most of the strapping up to receive the sheathing in my project to convert my barn into a shop. Hopefully, I'll be drywalling next weekend.

Attached (I hope) are a couple of pictures.

Jim Becker
06-24-2003, 6:20 PM
I managed to get most of the strapping up to receive the sheathing in my project to convert my barn into a shop. Hopefully, I'll be drywalling next weekend.

That's going to be a very nice shop, Aaron. I hope you can leave some of the nice post and beam visible for the panache it adds to the look!