View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-26-2017, 10:43 AM
26 Jun 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
It's been a decent weekend for me and I started my oncall duty this morning. I went Saturday morning and helped a buddy of mine setup and move bees to a new set of hive boxes. This was my first time to work with bees this close and personal. I really had a great time doing this and loved seeing how all the bees get things done. I really learned a lot about bees and bee hives. Very cool stuff!!!! The LOML and I are not reworking all the webbing and springs on the antique chair rework/re-upholstery project. My hope is that it will be done next week and we can move on to something easier. Had a colonoscopy on Friday and got really good news from the results....no more possible cancer cells and a reported healthy colon. I was happy about that!!!! Church on Sunday and back to the gym Sunday evening.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
06-26-2017, 11:08 AM
The usual eclectic weekend for me...food shopping Saturday morning and continued work on shop organization things before making a delicious jambalaya for the evening meal. Sunday started out a little bittersweet...I've been quietly looking for a "new human" for my personal horse, Nellie, for a number of months and for some very good reasons around my own health and coming college expenses. This week the "stars aligned" in a wonderful way. A lovely woman at our barn had to make a difficult decision relative to her long-time equine partner earlier in the week and she didn't want to wait for a new partner. She'd already found a great connection with Nellie, having ridden her in some lessons, etc., and on Sunday, she became Nellie's new owner. What's wonderful about this is that nothing really changes for Nellie...she's still with Elvis (our other horse) nearly 24/7 and the new owner is really nice about knowing I'm just around the corner since she doesn't live real close. The remainder of Sunday was spent in errands, mowing the lawn, installing a bulletin board in the kitchen area and some more shop organization. And my wrist is doing well at just over a month post-surgery...I started PT last week and am already getting results in flexibility.

Jay Larson
06-26-2017, 12:35 PM
Saturday I took my Jeep Wrangler to a car show until 2:30 or so. Nothing special, just wanted to make an appearance for the off-road community. There were four of five of us there, and it was a lot of fun.
Then I went home to get my cabinets installed before the rains came. I had to haul them to the house from the outbuilding and the lawn isn't in yet, so when it rains it is rather muddy. Got them installed and doors on. Now to finish the tops. Oh yeah, I had an idea for a hidden drawer in the bottom of the cabinets, so I started on that.
Yesterday, I continued on the drawers in the morning. Then it warmed up into the 60s, so I broke down a few pallets into sign boards. Then back onto the drawers.
After I went in and cleaned up, I pulled a book out of the shelf and read that. Actually, I am rereading it as the first time through it was a bit hard to follow. There are quite a few characters and, being science fiction, some of the character names are unusual.

Wayne Lomman
06-26-2017, 4:06 PM
Cut some firewood on Saturday. The new wood heater is great. Puts out decent heat and it requires half the chainsaw work. I harvest small diameter - up to 150mm - dead wood. I have enough area of regrowth forest that I have an ongoing supply as the forest matures. Sunday was crystal clear with light snow blowing off the Tiers. For us this means a few spits on the face when you go outside but you have the most brilliant rainbow all day. Cheers

Brian Henderson
06-26-2017, 4:12 PM
Finished taking down a tree and some hedges in the front yard on Saturday as the roofers will be out in a couple of weeks and need a place for their scaffolding. I put aside all of the big branches and trunk and will mill it down for lumber, Anchorsealed the ends and set it aside. I have a massive pile of branches in the back yard that hopefully, I can sneak into the roofing dumpster when they're done filling it. Sunday, the wife and oldest daughter and I went to a reptile show, which was a bit disappointing, then got to have it out with the pharmacy who has screwed up every single prescription we've gotten from them in the past 2 months. Obviously switching pharmacies in the near future. Hopefully after we get the new roof on, I can get back into the shop.

Tom Bain
06-26-2017, 4:29 PM
We had some really nice weather here for late June (relatively mild and not too humid) so mostly worked in the yard and went for a bike ride. I did spend some time in the shop just trying to clean up and organize a few things, as well as continue working on my Powermatic 1150 drill press restoration project.