View Full Version : Source for Vonax polishing compound in US?

John K Jordan
06-21-2017, 4:53 PM
A google search shows plenty of places in the UK that carry Vonax. Anyone have a US source?


David Gilbert
06-22-2017, 9:07 AM
I saw Mark Sillay using Vonax at a Finger Lakes Woodturner's session last fall. I looked for it in the US and didn't find a source. I asked Mark where he got it and he indicated that he got it in England.

Good luck finding some.


Bob Bouis
06-22-2017, 9:21 AM
I don't know of a US source, but I've bought things from the UK before. With the exchange rates these days it's probably not all that expensive to just have it shipped to you.

John K Jordan
06-22-2017, 11:01 AM
Thanks. That's about what I thought. I've ordered stuff from Europe, the orient, and Australia so I guess I'll give up and order some from Great Britain.

I mentioned this to my wife just now and she said it sounded like a good excuse to fly over and get some - we love the countryside in both England and Scotland. (I'm about over London, except for the museums!)


Bob Vavricka
06-25-2017, 10:20 PM
John, check with Mark Sillay. Marksilly.com. He had a booth at AAW where he was selling an odorless slower setting CA and demonstrating it for a finish. He also was using and selling blocks of Vonax as a buffing compound for CA. I don't see either on his website but I bought a small bottle of the CA. The Vonax he was selling for $20. I didn't buy any, but he said I could contact him to buy more CA or the Vonax. I am not familiar with Vonax what do you use it for?

Brice Rogers
06-26-2017, 1:37 PM
Bob, this address works better: marksillay.com

John K Jordan
06-26-2017, 5:35 PM
John, check with Mark Sillay. Marksilly.com. He had a booth at AAW where he was selling an odorless slower setting CA and demonstrating it for a finish. He also was using and selling blocks of Vonax as a buffing compound for CA. I don't see either on his website but I bought a small bottle of the CA. The Vonax he was selling for $20. I didn't buy any, but he said I could contact him to buy more CA or the Vonax. I am not familiar with Vonax what do you use it for?

The Vonax is a polishing compound. I don't know if it is any better than other polishing compounds I use but since I've heard it recommended by several woodturners I'd like to try it. I'll see what it will cost me to order from the UK and compare with what Mark gets for it. Thanks.

I bought the slow-setting CA Sillay and others (e.g. Frank Penta) use for finishing. It is difficult buy it by the single bottle without a big markup. From the manufacturer you have to buy it by the case so I bought over $1000 worth to share with club members. It seems to work well.


mike ash
06-26-2017, 6:05 PM
John, I have almost 3/4 of a bar of Vonax and would be happy to cut some off and send it to you. Recall that I owe you a favor for sending me some sanding strips!


John K Jordan
06-26-2017, 11:05 PM
John, I have almost 3/4 of a bar of Vonax and would be happy to cut some off and send it to you. Recall that I owe you a favor for sending me some sanding strips!


That's a kind offer, although my failing memory cells contain no clear sanding strip entries!

Let me inquire first about getting a quantity. I suspect, like the CA glue, some club members may also want some since it was recommended. If not, I would certainly be interested in a tiny sample to try. I have at least a half dozen other polishing compounds bought locally and perhaps it is similar to one of those.

I wish I knew a good way to evaluate a polishing compound - crush to powder and compare the particles under the microscope? Put a little on a cloth and evaluate the the scratches on brass or something?


mike ash
06-27-2017, 12:34 PM
John - I will send you a fair size piece so you can let members try it out too. I emailed you just now so you can give me a shipping address.

Thanks, Mike