View Full Version : New Tools

Tom Blank
06-21-2017, 12:00 AM
I read Schwarz's Anarchist's Tool Chest and got all excited about making layout tools. Found some quarter sawn Hard Maple about a year ago, did some rough dimensioning then, and just now got around to actually turning it into something useful.

The longer straight edge is 36” long. The shorter one was not in the original plan, is salvaged from scrap, and is 15” long. The winding sticks are 30”, the inlay in Wenge. The panel gauge head is 8” with a 19” stem. I wiped on two coats of (real) Tung oil. The panel gauge pix is truer to color, the other two pixs are with a flash and it really changed the color.

Am still working on the try squares. They will be Seaton’s English style shown in one of Roy Underhill's and Chris Schwarz's segments rather that the French style shown in The Anarchist's Tool Chest. Four of these, one for me and one for each son.

I am looking for a good way to store the longer straight edge and winding sticks in my limited space work area. I can go horizontal easier than vertical. I presume well supported horizontal on edge is OK for maintaining accuracy. They can't just live on the bench. Any advice?


362449 362450 362451

Archie England
06-21-2017, 6:36 AM
Very nicely done!

Andrew Pitonyak
06-21-2017, 10:23 AM
You could store them in an appropriately sized (and maybe modified) PVC tube. Perhaps something it slides into. You could even cut portions out of it so that it is not an enclosed cylinder if you just want a long shelf like piece that is circular in nature.

They look nice. I have considered making some of these things.