View Full Version : weekend gloat

Aaron Kline
10-24-2005, 10:43 AM
I got a Jet tablesaw at a home improvement store;) And I got it half price:eek: It was the display model, so it needs some cleaning up. Its only missing the left side scale for the fence and the pointer on the fence. It just needs a blade and some cleanup work and its good to go. Its the Jet 10" contractor model with pressed steel wings. Problem is, I can't use it because there's a stash of white oak in the garage to build a shed:rolleyes: Regular price was 598, I paid 300. I think I got a good deal. Anyone got any input on upgrades?

Jeff Sudmeier
10-24-2005, 10:54 AM

Great job on that saw!! Sounds like you got yourself a very good deal.

Jim Becker
10-24-2005, 11:48 AM
Congrats, Aaron. If you call Jet, they will likely send the missing items right out to you, too...

Lee DeRaud
10-24-2005, 11:48 AM
Was it at Lowe's by any chance? Don Baer picked up one very cheap also (documented in another thread).

Which leads to two possibilities:
1. Lowe's is phasing out Jet.
2. Jet has a new model contractor saw in the pipeline.


Chip Charnley
10-24-2005, 12:42 PM
Adding to the Lowes train of thought, just read on another board that another person got one from Lowes for $200, so I would say Lowes is definitely selling off current stock.

Now if someone can just tell us why! In the meantime, if you live near a Lowes and need a table saw, you might want to run over. :o

Aaron Kline
10-24-2005, 1:21 PM
It was Lowe's alright. I was guessing theyre just getting a new tablesaw model(something besides Jet?). Either way, I got a tablesaw cheap, and Im happy. Any reccomendations on what for blade to get?

Don Baer
10-24-2005, 2:24 PM
go to the Jet web site and download your rebate form. You can get $100 back from jet. (jettools.com)

Jim Dannels
10-24-2005, 8:18 PM
But recently Lowes in Altoona has had a flashy new saw from Hitachi at the same price point. I looked it over real hard and on the surface it look pretty darn good. The fence is smooth as glass.
It`s motor is enclosed like a bench model and I`m wondering if it is some kind of hybird? Am watching to see what comes of this one.

Dan Forman
10-24-2005, 10:54 PM
Aaron---Congrats on your score, gotta love getting a deal.

I use a SystiMatic 37102 50 tooth combination blade that delivers very smooth cuts both ripping and crosscuts. However, I seem to remember seeing something recently about 40 tooth combo blades being the "new thing", supposedly better than the 50's. I can't vouch for that, nor remember where I read it. I'm very happy with my blade, though you could always consider the Forest WW2 if you want to spend a little more.

One upgrade you might want to consider is going to cast iron wings, which will seperate you from some more of your money, but add significant weight and stability to the saw, as well as reduce vibration. Another would be a link belt to replace the stock drive belt, which will also help reduce vibration.

One big improvement you can make yourself is a zero clearance throat plate.

Hope this gets you started. You might start a thread asking about blades if you need more info on that specific area. I would be curious to learn more about the 40 tooth combo's.


Dick Strauss
10-25-2005, 8:27 PM
Are the stock Jet fences left floating on a rubber in the rear or was the demo model at Lowes missing something?

I looked at the Jet and was suspect of the fence that was on the demo. The front was very sturdy and clamped very well. However the rear of the fence was left riding on a rubber so it didn't clamp at both ends. I was able to deflect the fence pretty easily in the rear.

Can current Jet owners comment on how well the stock fence works...or possibly another that works well?

I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I'm interested in a Jet TS myself and am wondering if this is typical. If it is, what do other folks do to fix the issue (if it is an issue) or what other fence works on this saw?

Thanks in advance,

Dan Forman
10-27-2005, 4:27 AM
Dick---the stock fence is quite stable, the one you saw was likely missing a part.
