View Full Version : Bought an air powered DA

Ole Anderson
06-07-2017, 9:32 AM
Working on my RV I got a few runs in the clear coat (over gelcoat and decals). So while in my local O'Reilly's I picked up a $40 dual action sander that runs off my compressor and some 400 grit PSA paper. I added a six foot whip. I think I am in love! What is really nice is that you have full control over the speed by simply how far you depress the paddle trigger. And it is quieter than I expected. Can't wait to try it on my next WW project as I can use the same the paper I have for my 6" PC sander. And that HF polisher has really done the job too. Oh, and I couldn't have done the project without that Wagner baker's scaffold from HD. Every major project deserves a new tool (or tools in this case). I didn't get that wrong did I???