View Full Version : $122,950 bed, is it real wood?

Bill Dufour
06-05-2017, 11:39 PM
Similar to the watch I linked to a week ago. ugly but I do not think as well made. No mention of species of wood.
What is the five yards of C.O.M. for the headboard? maybe fabric?
Bil lD


Mike Kreinhop
06-05-2017, 11:46 PM
What is the five yards of C.O.M. for the headboard? maybe fabric?

Customer's Own Material (http://alittledesignhelp.com/what-does-com-or-col-mean/)

Mel Fulks
06-06-2017, 12:40 AM
What a fine example of kitsch! Must have come from Liberace's yard sale.

Bryan Lisowski
06-06-2017, 8:57 AM
Did they add an extra 2 in there? I mean even if I had a spare $120K laying around there would be no way that ends up in my house.

Mike Manning
06-06-2017, 11:51 AM
If they said they'd pay me $122,950 to keep this bed in my house my first two questions would be: 1) For how long?, followed by 2) Can I keep it in the attic or buried in the yard? To say that's horrid really doesn't suffice.

andrew whicker
06-06-2017, 1:13 PM
There's a lot of expensive and ugly furniture on that site. Wonder how well the stuff sells.

ken carroll
06-06-2017, 4:43 PM
Hmmmm, fine Corinthian columns.

Mark Bolton
06-06-2017, 4:59 PM
Talk about ugly

Mark Bolton
06-06-2017, 5:05 PM
All I can imagine is a filthy rich 425lb jaba-the-hut type and VS level trophy wife who at the very least has her own wing in any of the numerous homes owned across the globe, or even more, lives completely separate in her own "wife home" lol. Annual conjugal visits may occur with enough DOM and diamond bracelets to numb the nausea. Yeesh. There is too much money in the world.

David T gray
06-06-2017, 5:30 PM
paint it gold and it would fit right in trumps penthouse.

Bill Dufour
06-06-2017, 7:58 PM
paint it gold and it would fit right in trumps penthouse.

I dd not want to say that in my opening post for fear of being banned.
Bill D

johnny means
06-06-2017, 8:22 PM
You'd be surprised how nice these look in the appropriate setting. Granted, there aren't a lot of us with 1000 sq/ft bedrooms gilded in 50k worth of hand carved trim and 20k of drapery.

Ben Rivel
06-06-2017, 8:32 PM
Silly. That's all I can think to say.

Mel Fulks
06-06-2017, 9:18 PM
Look at some pics of the State beds of Britain. Lavish and formal and beautiful. The problem with the op bed is not the cost ,it's the kitsch design. The columns have no entasis,just a straight taper. The flutes are too far apart . The bases look like old paint buckets. It has no framework for hangings. And this list covers no more than half its faults.

Bill Dufour
06-06-2017, 10:01 PM
Mark Twain, and his wife, bought a fancy antique carved bed in Italy. He claimed he slept in it facing the carved headboard so he could see what he had paid for.

Michael Rector
06-07-2017, 2:23 AM
If we're talking Doric or Ionic entasis I'd agree there is a definite lack, however since this is fashioned after the Corinthian order any perceived bulge is almost negligible and the entasis is practically a taper past the first third.

The capital is definitely embellished as expected for Corinthian and the flutes are more Ionic than Doric with the flats between them.

This wouldn't have come from Ancient Greece, but it's certainly not attrocious in form.

That being said it wouldn't look good in my bedroom but I've seen many bedrooms that it would.

Curt Harms
06-07-2017, 6:38 AM
All I can imagine is a filthy rich 425lb jaba-the-hut type and VS level trophy wife who at the very least has her own wing in any of the numerous homes owned across the globe, or even more, lives completely separate in her own "wife home" lol. Annual conjugal visits may occur with enough DOM and diamond bracelets to numb the nausea. Yeesh. There is too much money in the world.

I was thinking high end Bordello. Maybe not so different.

Mel Fulks
06-07-2017, 12:32 PM
Entasis is subtle, but can not be omitted. I think the market for that piece is a struggling bloke who has just won the lottery. I'm not a turner ,but when I've had to comission columns I carefully drew it out full size. Omitting it makes me wonder how much a GOOD bed would cost.

Brian Henderson
06-07-2017, 12:47 PM
That just proves P.T. Barnum was right. There is a sucker born every minute. A sucker with really bad taste.

Jim Sevey
06-07-2017, 3:22 PM
Hmmmm, fine Corinthian columns.

Ricardo could not have said it better. The plane! The plane!

Bill Dufour
06-07-2017, 6:44 PM
Is that COM fine Corinthian leather?

Rick Whitehead
06-07-2017, 7:19 PM
I think the bed is designed to appeal to the person whose sole criteria is how much it costs.

Dave Sabo
06-07-2017, 9:07 PM
Fellas, just because you don't like an item's style, or don't understand its appeal, doesn't make it not well made or have hours upon hours of craftsmanship in it.

The lady that buys a $43,000 handbag might question some guys around here spending $10,000 on a robust or oneway lathe. All it does is spin wood and it's just made of rough cast iron. And it's ugly. No amount of gold paint is gonna make it look good in trump tower either.

And for all you guys that don't read so carefully - that bed is covered in Silver Leaf, not milk paint. And it includes a mattress/foundation which is easily 10% of the cost. They didn't run down to mattresses are us for a deluxe pillow top for $1500 bucks.

There was recently a thread about Maloof pieces costing $50,000 that have half the amount of wood, and time in construction, and no precious metal content. I admire his ideas and craftsmanship, but personally find his designs butt ugly. Does that make his pieces less valuable ? Or a ripoff artist ? Nope, enough people are willing to chase his stuff that it will remain valuable. But his work certainly doesn't appeal to the masses anymore than this outlandish bed does.

It's just the marketplace filling the appetite of diverse tastes.

Albert Lee
06-07-2017, 9:38 PM
I think the bed is designed to appeal to the person whose sole criteria is how much it costs.

I agree with Rick 100%

one of my close friend is an upmarket real estate agent, some of their customer ONLY buys the most expensive furniture/furnishing they can lay their hands on.

Cost and practicality was never a consideration to them. they just want THE most expensive in the world to impress their friends and/or themselves

Bill Orbine
06-08-2017, 5:59 AM
does it shake?

Nick Decker
06-08-2017, 12:29 PM
Ahh, the Magic Fingers option!