View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-05-2017, 12:28 AM
5 Jun 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
It's been a hard week at the day job but the LOML and I have made good progress on the repairs of the antique chair that we were working on for a buddy at work. If all goes well, we should have the upholstery work done next week and then it will be delivery time. Also finished up a lot of the bee hive frames and have 3 complete hive box sets outfitted and ready for bees early spring next year. I have about 3 more projects to work on and then I'm resting for a while before taking anything more on.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Wayne Lomman
06-05-2017, 7:54 AM
We have started making serious changes to the kitchen. Demolished one wall and started painting walls that don't get changed. Sounds like getting ahead of myself but my Dewalt mitre saw developed what looks like field winding failure and that put a stop to wall changes until repairs/replacement is done. Can't complain too much. It is at least 15 years old and has been used heavily most of that time. Cheers

Jim Becker
06-05-2017, 9:16 AM
I somewhat took it easy this weekend to not overdo things with my healing wrist. (surgery two weeks ago). Saturday was a trip to Costco in the morning to get my new tires installed and lawn mowing in the afternoon along with a little bit of rotten stump removal with the big-orange-power-tool. Sunday was pretty much a beekeeping day, helping Professor Dr. SWMBO do an "artificial swarm" (Terinov) colony split to prevent them from actually swarming. And a little weeding followed by sushi. :) I do need to start planning my next shop project, but will not be able to do anything extensive until I'm fully through PT for my wrist.

Shawn Pixley
06-05-2017, 10:08 AM
Domestic duties this weekend. Cooking, cleaning, and connecting with LOML. Wished my best friend in another state a happy birthday and made plans to get together in August. Went to the flea market on Sunday. Saw lots of plane shaped objects and damaged planes. The only thing I considered was a boxwood / brass caliper. The seller thought it very dear...

Vince Rosypal
06-05-2017, 10:55 AM
Worked on re routing eves trough and sump pump drainage lines. Watched a few more episodes of Spartacus season 2 and started 3

Still working on the 25 dice.... filling the holes with paint is very time consuming... syringe sure helps though
Started milling some dimensional lumber for the night stand... its kinda damp so I am only taking a little at a time to see if it moves. Bandsaw blade is now covered in pitch so need to clean that... Ugh
The S4S 1X6 Apen I got for the other night stand has twisted.... very frustrating at this was 5X the cost of the dimensional that hasn't moved.... yet. Not really sure how to proceed at the moment...

Also rearranged the one wall of the shop.... got a new to me router table for $75 (Freud stand, top, fence and plate).... its in pretty good shape. Cleaned up nice
This wall is getting better but still not there... I going to try it like it is for a while and see

Jay Larson
06-05-2017, 12:31 PM
Friday night we had some friends over for a bonfire so I had to get the cutoffs (three boxes worth) out of the shop. And then decided that I might as well clean up the rest of the shop. I was still putting tools back when people started showing up. Ended up burning up all my scraps, along with a couple of prototypes of tables. Everybody was kind of shocked that I was throwing 'furniture' on the fire.

After a slow start on Saturday, I loaded up a small trailer of metal scraps to get to recycling. "See honey, I am cleaning up..." After that, I cleaned up the doors for the dining room cabinets. Then got them to fit into the face frames. Kind of nice to work in a less cluttered area. ;)

Yesterday, I put together the cabinets and got the inside primered. Then we went to take a look a some ideas for a waterfall and pond in the back yard. Also looked at some trucks to get an idea of prices and styles. After all that, we went out kayaking for a couple of hours. The carp were spawning, so it was a bit interesting.

John K Jordan
06-05-2017, 3:31 PM
Not my accomplishment, but a patience-building experience. This llama was 5 weeks overdue. (Llamas can somehow adjust the gestation period to suit them.) This girl was a little small, 18.4 lbs. This is the mother's first.

361432 361433

Doing well after almost 24 hours.


Jerome Sidley
06-05-2017, 5:17 PM
replaced this361441 with this 361440