View Full Version : Weekend Find

phil harold
05-28-2017, 10:35 AM
These carving chisels are virtually new
but I thought Freud was made in Italy

Any clue who made them for Freud?

Rick Whitehead
05-28-2017, 12:09 PM
They may have been made by Mifer in Spain. I remember having some Mifer carving tools of about the same era, but mine had straight octagonal handles, instead of the London Pattern handles shown here.

Jim Koepke
05-28-2017, 12:34 PM
Not a clue about the original maker of your set. Are there any marks stamped into the metal?

There being virtually new makes me wonder how many folks have ventured into carving with a new set of factory grind (read dull) tools only to find it isn't easy and give up, setting the tools aside until some future date with a yard sale.

Your find does look much better suited to carving than what is usually being sold as a "Professional Carving" set.

Now all you need is a few slip stones and wood to dig in.


phil harold
05-28-2017, 12:57 PM
Cleaned off the the protective coating on them and found no marks

Well, suppose if I use a professional set I should get professional results...

still wondering who in England made them