View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-22-2017, 8:34 AM
22 May 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
Spent some time in the shop and the kitchen this weekend. Worked on making the inside frames for the bee hive boxes (10 frames per box). I should finish cutting the last frame parts tonight, at least for this set of frames. This ended up being a pretty large project due to the sheer number of parts required for each complete bee hive box set, 1 bottom, 1 brood box, and 3 supers = 10 large frames and 30 smaller frames. I think I estimated somewhere around 900 pieces...which means a lot of time standing at the tablesaw. :)

Cooked for the family this weekend - I'm still learning how to cook and The LOML is teaching me about ingredients, measurements, and substitutions. I never knew there was so much behind the art of cooking!! One thing for sure that I need to get better at is making bread. My bread tastes good and has a nice texture to it but it is sure ugly....so I need to learn how to make a better looking bread.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jay Larson
05-22-2017, 2:13 PM
Well, my fiance returned home from her 13 week out of town job on Friday. So I helped her unpack that night and part of Saturday.

Then I was out in the workshop making the glass paneled doors for the dining room cabinets. Spent most of the day just on the frames, making the mortises for all the mullions and rails.
Sunday, I was prepping the wood for the mullions and had an odd thing happen. Usually, I get the lumber milled close to final size and let it sit for a day or so. But I got anxious and decided to get it milled to size, ready to cut the tenons and fit to length. The rough boards had a bit of a cup to them, so I ripped them to 4" and 3" width before planing them down. Got that all done, jointed one edge, then ran it through for a final width of 1 1/8" The first one I ripped just took off on me and bent and twisted all over the place. OK take a look, not the pith, not near a knot, what the heck? The remaining piece looked pretty good, I had to joint the edge though. So I did that and ran it through again. Ripped piece came out perfect, as did every other piece from that board. Oh yeah, that first cut was from the side that I originally ripped the board in two. So originally from the center of the board... Odd.

Then I went over to get my friends tools cleaned up to get ready to sell.

After that, I helped my fiance move her daughter back home from school.

So I went from a house by myself, to a house with two women in it, in three days...

Jim Becker
05-22-2017, 7:58 PM
No a particularly exciting weekend...no woodworking. Mowed, weeded and planted the herb garden, food shopped wth Professor Dr SWMBO and my older daughter and prepared mentally for today"s wrist surgery.

Joe Jensen
05-22-2017, 8:04 PM
My daughter wanted a dodecahedron cube as a play space for her cat. On my last project I swore off commercial hardwood veneered sheet goods. So for this project I took some short wide thick oak leftovers and made my own 1/8" thick veneer. I veneered both side of 12mm baltic birch. Thanks to youtube the angles were easy to get right. The joints closed perfectly and I just used blue painters tape to hold each piece in place as I glued that parts. I still have to line the opening with oak, sand, and finish. Here are a couple of pics.

Sadly I can't seem to rotate them.

Rod Sheridan
05-23-2017, 9:27 AM
No wood working this weekend, took advantage of the long weekend to drive to Montreal to purchase a pair of used Klipsch LaScala speakers to replace a pair of Altec 816's I built 40 years ago.

Here's a photo of the LaScala. I think I'll live with it for a year before I decide whether to leave it black or veneer it...........Rod.


Jim Becker
05-23-2017, 11:28 AM
Joe, that project clearly is da best!!! Holy Angles, Batman!! :D

Shawn Pixley
05-23-2017, 7:43 PM
No woodworking here. Saturday helped (virtually) my son repair his car from 1500 miles away. Sunday took LOML on a picnic to a remote beach. She had a great time.

John K Jordan
05-23-2017, 8:51 PM
I hate to admit it but I made a sample fidget spinner from a piece of scrap burl. The devil made me do it. Or maybe it was my grandson.

I also turned 67. Life is good!


Randal Blair
05-24-2017, 7:58 AM
Well my little adirondack chair project pales in comparison to the talented guys I have seen here.
But I finished up Norm Abrams design with a few mistakes!

Jim Becker
05-24-2017, 1:13 PM
I also turned 67. Life is good!

Happy birthday!!!!

Bruce Page
05-24-2017, 1:58 PM
We went to a ballet recital for my granddaughter on Saturday and just puttered around the rest of the weekend.

I also turned 67. Life is good!

I'm about 5-1/2 months behind you. 1950 was a good year!