View Full Version : Shop Curtains....By Request

Dave Anderson NH
10-21-2005, 3:47 PM
After being ragged on by Roger Myers and Alan Turner about having curtains on the windows in my shop I promised to post a coupla pix of them just to bring things to a conclusion (I hope). They were a gift from my wife 3 or 4 years ago. She felt that it would cut the glare in the south facing windows and more importantly, when closed, they would prevent folks from seeing what was in the shop when we weren't home. In spite of the kidding I've taken from friends I actually like them, and as any of you who are married know, only a fool packs up and hides away what his wife gives him as a present.

The shots are of the front (south facing) part of my bench room. the back will remain hidden right now as it's mostly storage and a bit on the messy side.

Glenn Clabo
10-21-2005, 4:00 PM
Only a real man would post pictures of his shop curtains! What a man...and what a nice touch.

Scott Donley
10-21-2005, 4:11 PM
Cute,you must really love your wife! Cool :)

Donnie Raines
10-21-2005, 4:14 PM
I'm with ya Dave.....


:rolleyes: :D

Jim Young
10-21-2005, 4:16 PM
My window covers are spider webs.

Lee DeRaud
10-21-2005, 4:20 PM
My window covers are spider webs.At least your shop has windows:mad: .

Jeff Sudmeier
10-21-2005, 4:23 PM
Now those are purrrrrty!! :) My shop has no windows!

John Hemenway
10-21-2005, 4:27 PM
Dave, your wife must really love you. She lets you put your workbench in the family room. :)

Very nicely decorated 'shop'.

Andy Hoyt
10-21-2005, 4:29 PM
I suppose that when you get around to hanging the GWB on the ceiling your wife will want her parlor back.

Dan Oliphant
10-21-2005, 5:18 PM
Nice curtains, I mean windows. Looks like you get a lot of good natural light into the shop. I also like that hanging picture of the Springer, is that a picture of one of your dogs?

Chris Giles
10-21-2005, 5:40 PM
I tell my wife that curtains would be a fire hazard. So far, she's bought it.

Chris Barton
10-21-2005, 5:42 PM
Your shop looks nicer than my living room!

Dave Anderson NH
10-21-2005, 5:48 PM
Yes I love my wife very much and more to the point, I'm very afraid of her French-Canadian temper.:D My bench room is more than just a place to do woodworking. It contains my library of woodworking books and has a nice woodstove to keep it warm in the NH winters whether reading, putzing around, or actually accomplishing something. The English Springer Spaniel picture is another wife gift, but is not a picture of the late HRH Otis the First, Emperor of Chester. Hopefully sometime in the coming spring Sue will be enough over Otis death of August '04 to allow us to get another Springer puppy.

I just noticed I forgot one picture of the other side of the bench room.

Andrew Ault
10-21-2005, 6:06 PM
Nice shop! What a great place to spend time and work in.

Gail O'Rourke
10-21-2005, 6:13 PM
Dave, your curtains are lovely, I think that they are perfect. (I am french-canadian also...I am sure I would love your wife!)

Mark Stutz
10-21-2005, 6:33 PM
Yes Dave, the curtains are a nice touch! However I can't believe no one else has recognized the real reason for this post!:D C'mon all you guys and gals out there...take a close look at the bench for the hidden gloat!

Bart Leetch
10-21-2005, 7:02 PM
I matey be good now or it'll be curtains for ye.:eek:

Or the captain will make you walk the plank:eek: er bench?:D

At least you've got windows.

So whats with that ceiling anyway?:)

Richard Wolf
10-21-2005, 7:07 PM
Nice shop, curtains are alright.


Dan Larson
10-21-2005, 7:28 PM
Yes I love my wife very much and more to the point, I'm very afraid of her French-Canadian temper.:D My bench room is more than just a place to do woodworking. It contains my library of woodworking books and has a nice woodstove to keep it warm in the NH winters whether reading, putzing around, or actually accomplishing something. The English Springer Spaniel picture is another wife gift, but is not a picture of the late HRH Otis the First, Emperor of Chester. Hopefully sometime in the coming spring Sue will be enough over Otis death of August '04 to allow us to get another Springer puppy.

I just noticed I forgot one picture of the other side of the bench room.

Dave, it looks like you and I had the same bright idea for supplemental shop lighting-- the track light over your bench looks like exactly the same as mine. I really like the quality of light from the low voltage halogen lamps. I'm jealous of your curtains by the way, because this means that you have windows in your shop. I'd gladly put up with curtains if it meant that I had windows in my shop, too!


Andy Hoyt
10-21-2005, 7:59 PM
C'mon all you guys and gals out there...take a close look at the bench for the hidden gloat!
Whaddya mean hidden? The new KMart special plastic tape measure is in plain sight.

John Miliunas
10-21-2005, 8:11 PM
Well, I think the curtains are just fine! "Cute", actually!:D Regardless, it looks like a wonderful space to work in. But, try hard as I might, I could find no sign of a wine glass on any of the surfaces!:confused: :D Oh, BTW, looks like a set of nice LN chisels there, complete with the tool roll!:) :cool:

Steve Clardy
10-21-2005, 9:53 PM
Much better than Chris Padilla's curtain!!

Joe Mioux
10-21-2005, 10:27 PM
Yes Dave, the curtains are a nice touch! However I can't believe no one else has recognized the real reason for this post!:D C'mon all you guys and gals out there...take a close look at the bench for the hidden gloat!

HMMM.....Hey Mark don't you have a pin up calender with those things?

As far as the curtains.....now I can apreciate NOT having any windows in my garage...

Those curtains are just devine......lol

Peter Pedisich
10-21-2005, 10:47 PM
I, too, have curtains in my garage shop.

There, I said it. I feel better.

After seeing those pics it makes me want to move to NH!
Down here on Long Island we live in our houses and work in our shops!;)

Jules Dominguez
10-21-2005, 11:03 PM
It's easy to see why you like to hang out there. I would, too.

Alan Turner
10-22-2005, 4:49 AM
The curtains are indeed nice, Dave, as is the rest of the shop, of course. You have seen my shop, and I would gladly go with the curtians if they included windows. My home space is affectionately known as the dungeon, and when I head down, my bride sometimes suggests I am being a Troll.

Bob Noles
10-22-2005, 6:37 AM

Don't let this bunch of sissy's get the best of you. Takes a real man to have curtains in his shop for sure :D :D

In all seriousness.... if I had a shop as nice as yours, I'd probably have curtains in it too :cool:

Dave Anderson NH
10-22-2005, 8:23 AM
Heh, Heh, Heh, Mark Stutz obviously studied the photos carefully. Since he's been in my shop a couple of times his eagle eye noticed the changes. Yup, the LN chisel set I ordered back in June arrived about 3 weeks ago. That is known in old tools circles as a stealth gloat.:D The work on the bench is a Tiger Maple Queen Anne handkerchief table (corner table) I've been working on for the dining room.

The shop is in my basement, and I'm very fortunate to have the windows for natural light. The track light with 3 halogens is off to the side which allows me to direct the 3 swivel fixtures to give raking light on the bench or add light to the mortiser as needed. Most of the rest of the shop is lighted with double 4 foot flourescents containing GE daylight bulbs. Sorry Roger.:D (Roger works for a GE competitor.)

Jim Becker
10-22-2005, 4:49 PM
Sure beats the cheap shades I have on my shop windows! And really...they are in perfect concert with the rest of your shop, Dave. The "boss" knows what she was doing when she made that gift to you! ;)

markus shaffer
10-22-2005, 5:39 PM
I'm jealous. Not only do I have no windows, but nobody makes me anything ever..

Actually, there are plenty of people who make me mad.. But that's a different story..


Mark Stutz
10-22-2005, 10:12 PM
I actually have two "pinup" calenders in my shop! Loml got me a RAMS cheerleaders calendar! The other is real porn!:eek: :D http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=16828

Tom Stovell
10-22-2005, 10:42 PM
I, too, have curtains in my garage shop.
There, I said it. I feel better.

If this is going to turn into a group 'confession' well, then, I, too have curtains in my shop. Sort of. They are actually just pieces of heavy fabric put up on the windows during a garden tour and left in place. Some day they'll be hemmed and look really pretty. I'm sure of it.

I must have done something wrong. I don't feel better at all.:)

My shop curtains as seen from the house:


Ron Schlosser
10-23-2005, 9:42 AM
I like it in fact you have prompted me to do my shop in a cabin style motif. Pine is cheap here in MI and I hunt and fish alot so thats it. I'm on a mission

Kelly C. Hanna
10-23-2005, 9:45 AM
I'm with you Chris!!

Roger Myers
10-25-2005, 12:04 AM
OK Dave,
since I mentioned the curtains, I guess I should chime in :)
Just got back from a mini-vacation in NY where I visited my daughter at college for parents weekend, only to come back to 250 or so posts to catch up on....
The curtains are lovely :) and the bench room is a real gem!! Having been in Dave's shop a few times, I can tell you that the curtains work well, and knowing Sue, I have to say she is a lovely lady, and I have no idea what temper he speaks of!
I suppose things could be worse...we could see that bench covered with a lace tablecloth when not in use....

By the way... Gloat will be coming in the next few days....when I have a few minutes to take some pictures...short story is we detoured to Berkshire Products in Sheffield Mass on the way back from NY and some wonderful wood followed me home.... Best part is that LOML spent almost as musch as I did :) (of course there is a project request that goes with it, and I will be asking for help on the design forum)...
