View Full Version : Wood A/C vent register source

David Duke
10-21-2005, 10:14 AM
Trying to find a source for wooden (maple) A/C registers, I know I could make them but there is an awful lot of work in such a small piece. Rocklers has a smaller size for use in venting electronics in cabinets but I haven't been able to find what I need about a 7x13.

Thanks in advance.

John Gregory
10-21-2005, 10:19 AM
When we installed Bamboo flooring for my FIL, we got the registers from Lumber liquidators. To match the flooring

Lars Thomas
10-21-2005, 10:40 AM
David, Once you get set up, building the vents isn't too bad. About a year ago, Wood had an article. I've made a few, some as supply, some as return air even one as a door bell cover. I can't take 'credit' for the finish (or the photography) on this one, but even so, I think it turned out good. If you really want to purchase, there are usually adds in the back of Southern Living (and similar) offering the grills.

Michael Gabbay
10-21-2005, 12:05 PM
David - did you try Rockler and Lee Valley? I've seen them in their catalogs.


David Duke
10-21-2005, 12:17 PM
Lars, the reason I was wanting to buy instead of build is that I just have one to make and didn't really want to make the jigs necessary to build it, is the grill on the yours made with half laps?

Michael, the ones that I have found from Rockler are too narrow (4.5x13), I haven't check with Lee Valley yet but I will, thanks.

Kevin Post
10-21-2005, 12:17 PM
I was in the same predicament as you when a friend asked me to help install wood floors in his home. I assumed that I would need to cut lots of little pieces and glue them together. Not so...

I don't know the look you're after but I've made them with very little effort with one of two methods from a piece of solid wood:

1) Lay out a pattern on the wood with a ruler and pencil and simply drill holes in the wood (a drill press is recommended). The pattern that seems most popular is something where the holes are offset from each other in alternating rows.

2) Use a spiral, straight cutting bit to route slots into the piece as desired. I would recommend the slots be cut along the short dimension rather than the length of the peice. I did it using my router table...

David Duke
10-21-2005, 12:29 PM
One thing I forgot to mention is that I want to make the vent directional, it doesn't have to adjust but I need to direct the air flow. This register is not in the floor it will be on the face of a cabinet, the vent is now in the wall but I am building a cabinet for that wall and will duct the air through it, thus the reason for wanting a wooden vent.

Randy Meijer
10-21-2005, 12:30 PM
I have seen some at my local Home Depot; but, as I recall, they were louvered rather than just plain grills and I think they were more of a mahogany color. Could have been some light colored ones.....it was quite a while ago??

Lars Thomas
10-21-2005, 1:05 PM
David, yes, the grill is half-lapped.

Matt Meiser
10-21-2005, 2:49 PM
I've seen wooden ones at Lowes, but they may only have them in oak. I think 4x10 and 4x12 are standard sizes.