View Full Version : Acknowledging excellent customer service

terry mccammon
05-03-2017, 10:40 AM
Mods: If the following is off limits, please remove and accept my apologies. I deeply appreciate your work in keeping this forum decent.

I have two Hurricane chucks, the HTC-100 and a HTC-125. I got them both a few years ago and so far as I am concerned they are excellent chucks at a very good price point. That said, at the time they were not furnished with an adapter that used a grub screw. I reverse quite a bit so was always limited in using these chucks. Recently I became aware that the vendor (the woodturning store) would trade in the old adapter for one with a grub screw. I asked for a set and in a few days here were two brand new adapters, the deal being that I would remove the old ones and send them back. That impressed me as they sent me two adapters with no payment on my part up front. Fine, except for the fact that one of the existing adapters would not come out of the chuck. Long, painful story short, after everything I could think of, that adapter was not coming out.

I figured I would live with it and was going to send the new adapter back but did contact the vendor. Long story of emails and so forth, bottom line is that they quickly responded and offered to have me ship the chuck back and they would look at it. Sure enough, I got my chuck back quickly with a nice new adapter installed. All I paid for was shipping my chuck to them.

I have no financial or other interest in this firm, just want to acknowledge very excellent service when received.

Roger Chandler
05-03-2017, 12:32 PM
Steve Fulgani, owner of The Woodturning Store, is a stand-up guy....I have three of the Hurricane chucks, and a couple extra jaw sets. I have always gotten stellar service from him as well. The Hurricane chucks are well constructed and rival any Nova [I have 5 nova's] and any Oneway I have used over the years, and the price point is better than most.

Don Jarvie
05-03-2017, 12:57 PM
Nice to hear this. I have a hurricane 125 based on the recommendations here and am quite pleased with it.

Jeramie Johnson
05-03-2017, 1:15 PM
That is awesome. And thanks for the reminder, I think I need to exchange the adaptor in my HTC100 yet, can't remember. I was so impressed with the 100, I bought a HTC125 last fall and recently jumped on their 3 for the price of 2, chuck jaws. Very happy with everything. I also purchased my robust rests through them.

Bruce Page
05-03-2017, 1:24 PM
Terry, not only are these stories not frowned on, we encourage them. The Woodturning Store (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiXjsz2ndTTAhVEVWMKHYV_DVIQFggnMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewoodturningstore.com%2F&usg=AFQjCNFNyqyX_OVSE5pDp6ba5-DYaWvF6A&sig2=saz26w6fm4bKmIhObcBHOA) is one of many businesses that go the extra mile that we never hear about.

Good on you for pointing it out!

Frederick Skelly
05-03-2017, 6:05 PM
Thanks Terry. Always good to know this.

Steve Mathews
05-04-2017, 9:41 AM
Ditto on reports of The Woodturning Store excellent service. I also had a similar experience with Craft Supplies USA where they quickly replaced a defective item.

Jay Mullins
05-04-2017, 10:57 PM
Terry...........Thanks for posting this I had not purchased from them before. I opened their site, liked what I saw and became a customer. I like to shop from businesses that take care of their customers. Happy customers tell their friends, Unhapy customers tell everyone.
