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View Full Version : Trotec Filtration Units

Kirk Quesnelle
04-27-2017, 2:13 AM
Hey Guys,

I have a Helix 60 watt. I'm looking for filtration. Trotec seems like they have a strong product
for filtration but I do a lot of wood and im not sure how much this will cost in the long run with filters.
We do a lot of wood engraving and cutting.

Initial cost of 5k CAD seems like a lot. But much less than having to lease an industrial space to vent outside.

However, I'm wondering about the cost of replacement units with wood products.... seems like that would gunk up filters quick..

What do ya think?

Gary Hair
04-27-2017, 11:11 AM
Wood and filters don't get along well. You'll be spending a fortune on filters as they will plug up pretty quickly. Best bet would be to build your own and use cheap furnace filters to catch the bulk of the debris before the air hits the expensive charcoal.

Kirk Quesnelle
04-27-2017, 11:57 AM
Thanks Gary,

They tell me there is a Pre-filter to stop large wood particulates but don't know...

The problem I'm facing is that if I don't have a proper filter, I will need to lease an industrial space.
Since it's warmer here, neighbours our outside and I can no longer pump wood smoke out (winter was a different story).

So when you say a fortune, that's relative. A fortune to me is $1500/month + utilities of an industrial space.

Hmmmm Kind of not sure what to do.

Kev Williams
04-27-2017, 2:22 PM
--below is a link to Dan Hintz 'how to build your own filter' thread-- and if you get into charcoal for odor control, think store-brand charcoal briquettes- not quite as efficient as activated charcoal, but it will absorb odor and will be MUCH cheaper to change out. And you can probably still BBQ with it. ;)


Chris Bratton
04-27-2017, 9:35 PM
I have an ATMOS for my fiber laser. I would not by a Trotec unit unless you have a Trotec laser. The ATMOS is controlled by the software.