View Full Version : Lacquer over CA

Russell Stanton
04-24-2017, 4:26 PM
I used CA to firm up some punky wood and now want put a solvent based lacquer over that for the final finish. OK?

Thom Sturgill
04-24-2017, 6:09 PM
The CA stains or blocks peretration of other finishes. So, while lacquer will bond to it, the stain might show. Have you thought about using CA as the finish? Or a a complete sanding sealer so the stain is uniform?

Russell Stanton
04-25-2017, 7:55 AM
The project is a peppermill. I put one coat of CA on the entire mill but the fumes drove me out of the shop so I don't want to do that again. Sounds like lacquer will work. TIA

Eugene Dixon
04-25-2017, 1:46 PM
Lacquer = fumes. Wear a chemical grade respirator, IMHO! I use the respirator for heavy CA use and especially for lacquer when I'm not applying outside where the bugs, pollen, etc. are.

Russell Neyman
05-04-2017, 2:25 AM
If you just dab a bit of CA in one place, it will certainly show. You really have two choices: Coat the entire piece with CA, or just coat an area that is "logical" like the space between growth rings.

Russell Stanton
05-04-2017, 7:49 AM
I did one coat of CA over the entire piece then multiple coats of lacquer. I did wear a chemical resp. but the CA gets to my eyes so could only stand to do one coat.

Jay Mullins
05-04-2017, 11:18 PM
Russell and all, when using CA indoors, you should ALWAYS have good venilation and you should wear a resp. The fumes from the CA will cloud up your contac lens or your glasses if you wear them. In my former life ( before retirement ) I worked in a Crime Lab, we bought CA by the quart and used it to develope fingeprint evidence. It's a great product but use it with caution.
