View Full Version : Wood is involved, and it was definitely a project. This was my Sunday.

Mark VoieArmour
04-23-2017, 5:09 PM
My Mother and Father in law had a cedar fence that ran along the entire back of their lot, about 80 feet worth, that was over 40 years old. It has been there as long as my wife has been alive. Due to a bad storm, it blew down, and they aren't in any hurry to put a new fence up. So I asked if I could have the fence pieces and posts. They were happy for me to come haul it away.Wife and I spent a day removing all the nails, and stacking it all. I knew I would use it eventually.

Fast forward to recent project of remodeling the guest bathroom, gutted everything around tub, put up Cement board, Mud and tape all done, bathroom in primer. I say to my wife, how about an accent wall behind the toilet. She said, "sounds cool". So I used pickets from the weathered cedar fence and made an accent wall. Put up with construction adhesive. Will brad nail it if needed, but I made my cuts pretty tight, so we shall see if I need any more than the construction adhesive to keep it in place.

Let me know what ya think. I think it turned out really cool. Have to put the last three pieces in when I remove the toilet to do the floor.

Jim Becker
04-23-2017, 7:06 PM
I think that was an awesome idea in so many ways. It's good to repurpose material like that. The contrast is outstanding. And the texture/color also make the privacy cubby feel less deep visually while still allowing everything to be tucked away. Very Nice!