View Full Version : Avocado Wood bowl with turquoise

Brian Kent
04-19-2017, 9:00 PM
This one took a lot of steps. Avocado is soft and some spots were a little punky. So I dribbled in dewaxed shellac for several days, filled gaps with turquoise and epoxy, finished turning the bowl and coated with 10 coats of lacquer. Sanded to 1200 and waxed with liberion wax polish.

I invite C and C.

Brice Rogers
04-19-2017, 9:06 PM
Very nice.

I've done turquoise (colored) inlays but never with real turquoise. Looks nice.

Avocado can sometimes be stunning and sometimes a little plain depending on the specific piece of wood. But yours looks very nice.

Sid Matheny
04-20-2017, 11:35 AM
A lot of extra work but sure was worth it.

Barry Richardson
04-20-2017, 11:59 AM
Very nice! I've never used avocado wood, but was told it wasn't very interesting to turn, but I'm thinking differently now, that wood looks really cool...

Brian Kent
04-20-2017, 12:08 PM
Barry, the fully dry avocado wood from an abandoned grove is a very even creamy color. I like it when I am experimenting with forms, because it is easily available and pretty soft. My southwestern pottery forms were all in avocado. It usually doesn't have the color variety that this log does.