View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
04-17-2017, 10:21 AM
17 Apr 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
I decided to take some time off work and take care of some things that I've been needing to get done. Woke up to storms this morning and fortunately not severe storms. Warm weather has brought yard work and garden planting to my home, so that mean I have even more stuff to do. I am blessed to have all that I have and I try to share as much as I can with others that are in need. No woodworking from this past weekend, I'm finally getting over this upper respiratory infection and starting to feel a lot more "normal" again. Finally sleeping better and as a result, feeling even better with rest and sleep.

That's it for me for this time, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Bryan Lisowski
04-17-2017, 10:33 AM
It's amazing how much good sleep helps. I haven't been sleeping good for about 10 days, before that was good. I begin my shop reorganization this week and made good progress. Now I just need to keep up the momentum. I got rid of some junk, but I have a feeling I need to do more thinning out before it's what I want.

Vince Rosypal
04-17-2017, 11:21 AM
Sorry to hear about your infection Dennis.... I was also suffering a similar fate with an infection in my arm.... off the IV on Saturday... after only getting one days of work in last week.
But I did get out to the shop yesterday and hammered out the plywood rack.... be posting pictures in the thread I have going on it.

Brian Henderson
04-17-2017, 12:03 PM
Not a thing, didn't step foot in the shop. Spent the weekend prepping for a fire pit in the back yard, installing a gas line and clearing the area and putting down weed fabric.

Jim Becker
04-17-2017, 2:45 PM
Time off is a nice thing, Dennis, especially since you frequently get that "on call" thing on your plate. (I much prefer the nice food you've been putting on plates lately, especially all of delicious looking breads!)

Mowed the lawn for the first time this season on Saturday after spending most of the morning and early afternoon at the barn watching my daughter's lesson and then body clipping my mare who I'm unfortunately going to be looking for a new human soon. I haven't been able to ride in some time and with my daughter starting college at PSU in the fall, dropping back to one horse is a prudent financial decision and a better deal for Nellie (the horse) so she has a regular job. Sunday, I was actually in the shop, enjoying the 85º weather finishing up a beekeeping swarm trap and, believe it or not...building a birdhouse to replace one that's been doing its job for about 15 years and is "end of life" from the elements. Nothing compares to building a birdhouse with a sliding table saw. LOL

