View Full Version : Pine Bedside Table

steven c newman
04-10-2017, 2:43 PM
With a special drawer..
Just pine boards
Wide dovetail to hide the groove for the bottom panel.
Modified an old finial for the knob. Outside corners of each leg has a bead
As does the bottom edges of the aprons.
About 90% hand tool work. Legs are tapered on the two inside faces, with a couple hand planes.

About $30 in lumber. Oh, and that special drawer?
A "secret" compartment, to stash stuff. If you open the drawer like a normal drawer the front "back" shows things like a regular drawer....you have to open the drawer all the way, to access the stash of cookies...:rolleyes:

Jay Aubuchon
04-10-2017, 8:54 PM
Nice job. I like the beading.

Is there anything to make opening the drawer to reveal the secret compartment require a little extra effort?

steven c newman
04-10-2017, 9:30 PM
Just the distance to travel pulling the drawer open...when someone is in a hurry. They will come to the false back, and stop. And look elsewhere.