View Full Version : gap Filler - What's your favorite?

D.McDonnel "Mac"
10-19-2005, 11:51 AM
While our ultimate goal is gap free jointery the path to that goal is strewn with examples that did not meet that goal. What remedy have you come up with to deal with the really bad gaps? You know , the ones that don't fall under the " it will fill up with finish" heading.

I "have a friend" that has some less than perfect dovetails and a M&T joint that didn't quite pull in tight on some recent projects. I thought I'd ask the collective wisdom here what they have had success using in the past.

I've used a few things in the past with mixed success.

(1) super glue in the crack and then sand while still wet. It makes a filler paste that you let cure. Works okay for very small cracks/gaps. Downside is the smell of CA glue and the variability of success, kind of hit and miss.

(2) PVA glue and sawdust mix. Doesn't look right to me after filling/curing/sanding. Doesn't stain well.

(3) Epoxy with sawdust filler. Just tried it last night so the jury is still out.

What's your favorite?

Mark Singer
10-19-2005, 12:10 PM
Small pieces of wood with matching grain and orientation is best. For dovetails,,,,cut slivers and glue in sand flush

John S Richards
10-20-2005, 9:00 AM
I agree with mark. There is not better patch for a loose dovetail than slivers of wood aligned to give the best gain match. When done right, the fix can be totally invisible. Even to a woodworker.

Steve Wargo
10-20-2005, 9:33 AM
I'll third the motion of slivers of veneer to use for "fixing" a joint. But if your're not concerned with how it looks and if it's getting stained dark, you can use liquid hide glue and sawdust. Liquid hide glue will take stain unlike yellow glues and CA glues. Good luck to your friend.