View Full Version : No 4 Worth Looking for Info

Mark R Webster
04-07-2017, 4:34 PM
Hi guys, I ran into a Worth No. 4 hand plane the other day. As I cleaned it up I noticed that it appears to have had a red body and a blue frog. (most of the paint is gone) While I am assuming this is an inferior plane compared to an older Stanley, (can't help myself) I plan to restore it. I can't find any pics on the net showing a color scheme like this. Can anyone confirm that these planes actually were two tone (red/blue)? Thanks

lowell holmes
04-07-2017, 5:35 PM
Google "red hand plane" and see what comes up. You may find your plane there. It may be a Corsair.

Mark R Webster
04-07-2017, 6:32 PM
Hi Lowell, I found a couple via Google. Here is a pic of one.
If anyone has any info related to the Worth plane I would be interested to see it. I has a sheet metal frog which is a little different :(

steven c newman
04-07-2017, 6:34 PM
Nope...made by Pexto....have had a few come through the shop...
somethinglike like Worth No.4

Planes were sold from 1925 to 1945,by a hardware dealer up Boston way....

Mark R Webster
04-07-2017, 7:31 PM
Hi Steven, are you responding to me or Lowell. I knew that Worth was made by Pexto :)

steven c newman
04-07-2017, 7:49 PM
I have also had Corsair planes come through the shop. In fact, a C-5 Corsair Jack plane is my large scrub plane.
And this one was a C-4 Cosair. I have since rehabbed it, and then sold it.

lowell holmes
04-08-2017, 6:18 PM
I really like my Veritas bu smoother. I tried one at a tool show and immediately order one. this was a lot of years back.

steven c newman
04-08-2017, 6:41 PM
???????? Huh? Long way from the Pexto planes.....

Ohio Tool co. went through a "phase" where the bodies of their planes were painted red, or Brown...

Mark R Webster
04-08-2017, 7:30 PM
Here are a couple more links for Worth planes Red and Blue.
Also scrolling down on this one you will find another Red and Blue Worth.