View Full Version : Food safe coating

Ron Rutter
04-05-2017, 11:49 PM
Possibly wrong forum but.. From Osmo. Canada but believe manufactured offshore. Anyone tried it??


FOOD-SAFE HARDWAX-OILOsmo TopOilHigh Solid is a Food-safe Hardwax-oil wood finish which is extremely tough and hardwearing. It is water repellent and dirt resistant as well as resistant to wine, beer, cola, coffee, tea, fruit juices, milk and water. These types of liquid spillages will tightly bead on the surface without leaving any marks, simply clean by wiping with a cloth.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-06-2017, 2:07 AM
Osmo is a German Co. IIRC, got the ingredients here.

I have never used it.


Ted Prinz
04-06-2017, 9:24 AM
Not to hijack this thread but I have heard and read often that most (all?) finishes in common use are "food safe" when fully cured. I'm curious if this is opinion or actual fact and, if fact, where this was proven. I'd love to be able to reference a study done in 19xx by the University of Xxxx that showed this. Anybody got the data?

John K Jordan
04-06-2017, 12:12 PM
Not to hijack this thread but I have heard and read often that most (all?) finishes in common use are "food safe" when fully cured. I'm curious if this is opinion or actual fact and, if fact, where this was proven. I'd love to be able to reference a study done in 19xx by the University of Xxxx that showed this. Anybody got the data?

Not a study but opinion and reason by finish experts Bob Flexner and Michael Dresdner:


Leo Van Der Loo
04-06-2017, 3:48 PM
Here is the position of the US FDA on that if you didn’t already know, all you have to do is ask :D


or here is a list of them, and no mineral oil in that one ;)


John A Murray
04-06-2017, 4:56 PM
Thank you John and Leo for posting those links. I actually feel smarter than I did 15 minutes ago. :)

Ted Prinz
04-10-2017, 5:51 PM
Thanks for the replies. But, oh my gosh! I tried to push my way thru the link (looong governmentese) but I never saw the word "polyurethane". Must have missed it. Is there an interpreter out there?

Roger Edwards
04-11-2017, 8:00 AM
Thanks for the replies. But, oh my gosh! I tried to push my way thru the link (looong governmentese) but I never saw the word "polyurethane". Must have missed it. Is there an interpreter out there?

Polyurethane is covered under Part 177.


Ted Prinz
04-13-2017, 10:41 PM
To Leo and Roger - thanks much for the input and information. This is the exact thing I was hoping to get!