View Full Version : diamond stones: DMT dia-sharp vs Atoma

Lynn Kasdorf
04-05-2017, 7:08 PM
Ok- I know that discussing your favorite sharpening systems and supplies is like discussing religion or politics...

That being said- Lets say I'm considering a diamond stone setup for chisels and plane irons mostly. Please help me decide between these two options:

4 piece DMT dia-sharp kit- 3"x8" in 4 grits:220 325 600 1200
$199 shipped (sale)

Atoma 10.8" x 4.5" 140 grit $73.89 shipped
Atoma 8.25" x 3" 400 grit $45.90 shipped
Atoma 10.6" x 4.3" 600 grit $82.95 shipped
Atoma 10.6" x 4.3" 1200 grit $73.38 shipped

So, the last 3 Atoma stones would come to about the same as the 4 piece DMT kit ($202). 2 of the Atoma's are bigger- a nice to have feature. The extra coarse Atoma is probably not really needed. I think it is mostly for flattening stones. I have machines for doing super coarse work.

Personally, I'm a bit more impressed by what I've read about the Atoma stones, but I suspect the DMTs would do as well. This is an interesting article that analyzes the two:

Thanks for your opinions.

ken hatch
04-05-2017, 11:00 PM

DMT stones have more "rogue" particles than Atoma and will sometimes leave deep random scratches that are hard to remove. My DMT stones have gathered dust for several years for that reason. Neither DMT or Atoma make a good final stone but the Atoma 400 or 600 makes a good set up stone for your fine Ark or natural water stone. A two stone system, course and fine with a strop for finishing is all that is needed for working wood. Anything more is sharpening wanking, feels good and can be fun but it is lots of motion for little results.


Mike Henderson
04-06-2017, 4:24 PM
I have the DMT plates and experienced the "rogue" particles that Ken describes above when the plates were new. But once you use the plate a bit, the rogue particles are knocked down and I haven't had that problem since.

When I first used the new plates, I thought they were a bit aggressive but they settle down fairly quickly to a more even, less aggressive operation.

The ones I have are about ten years old now. I mainly use them for flattening my water stones now. I use a WorkSharp to establish the primary bevel on my chisels and then finish them on the water stones. But before that, I would do the primary bevel on the DMT plates.


Graham Haydon
04-06-2017, 5:13 PM
Ken, "Anything more is sharpening wanking", actually laughed a lot. Awesome.

Allen Jordan
04-06-2017, 7:29 PM
Is this the 400 atoma plate you found:


I'm wondering why it's so much cheaper than anywhere else. Lee valley has one at $109, chef knives to go is $96. Are these different models, or is that one a fake?

Edit: that amazon seller "Ships from Hong Kong". Atoma is Japanese, right? These could be fake.

Lynn Kasdorf
04-06-2017, 7:51 PM
Is this the 400 atoma plate you found:


I'm wondering why it's so much cheaper than anywhere else. Lee valley has one at $109, chef knives to go is $96. Are these different models, or is that one a fake?

Edit: that amazon seller "Ships from Hong Kong". Atoma is Japanese, right? These could be fake.

Yes- that is where I'm seeing these Atoma stones. I wrote to two of the sellers (one says Hong Kong, one says China). We'll see what they say. Thanks for noticing this.

Lynn Kasdorf
04-06-2017, 9:06 PM
Well, it seems that the sizes of the Atoma stones are all 8x3 according to questions asked and answered. I don't know where the 10.6 x 4.3 came from.

So- if I get a 1200, then would I want a 400 or a 600? I can't see getting 400 and 600.

ken hatch
04-06-2017, 10:17 PM
Ken, "Anything more is sharpening wanking", actually laughed a lot. Awesome.

Thanks Graham....I had a grin as I wrote it but truth is it is true.


jean drabinowski
04-06-2017, 10:25 PM
Is this the 400 atoma plate you found:


I'm wondering why it's so much cheaper than anywhere else. Lee valley has one at $109, chef knives to go is $96. Are these different models, or is that one a fake?

Edit: that amazon seller "Ships from Hong Kong". Atoma is Japanese, right? These could be fake.

Read the whole listing. Title is generic Atoma with generic is small font. Manufacturer is listed as generic. Yes, this is the new amazon, loaded with counterfeit goods.
