View Full Version : Woodsmith Tips???

04-03-2017, 11:25 PM
I recently purchased a Woodsmith magazine on the newsstand called Shop Notes Projects and Jigs. As a "so called" bonus they give you a special access code which allows you to put in your email address on their website to receive woodworking tips via email.

So far the "tips" I have received consists of the opportunity to purchase additional dvd's and other products from them.

I hate it when I get deceived in this way. It's hardly a woodworking "tip".

Paul K. Johnson
04-04-2017, 12:36 AM
Something I've noticed with a lot of commercial enterprises is that when they claim to give you "expert tips" they really mean "tips for beginners" because everyone else figured out all their "expert tips" within a few months.

Pretty much any tip you would pay for is available for free here, on youtube or a ton of other places on the internet.

Jerry Miner
04-04-2017, 1:53 AM
I'm on their email list. Lots of the tips are pretty useless. And, yes, they try to sell their DVDs and books. But sometimes there is a useful idea. You can always opt out.