View Full Version : Is Andy Kaufman Alive & Posting On This Forum?oyoy

ken hatch
04-01-2017, 9:18 AM
Sometimes I think I'm the only one not in on the joke, too dense to see. Like watching Stephen Colbert and not "getting" it.

Oh well it will not be the first time this dumb old West Texas farm boy has been left kicking dust.


Roger Nair
04-01-2017, 1:39 PM
He will be waiting at the ferry terminal for the Statue of Liberty at 4PM. Milk and cookies for everyone.

Roger Nair
04-01-2017, 6:34 PM
Oops, sorry I neglected to specify which terminal, so those of you looking for Andy, delicious Guernsey milk and spectacular cookies, I will endeavor to provide complete information if I ever intuit the next appearance..