View Full Version : V logo Bailey Plane Iron Delaminating

Mark R Webster
03-30-2017, 6:59 PM
Hi all
I have a V logo Stanley/Bailey Plane iron that is showing delamination. I have ground off nearly 1/2 inch and there still appears to be a line of delamination. Have any of you seen this problem? Is there a way to fix this, or should I just toss it.

Jim Koepke
03-30-2017, 9:22 PM
If it is useless, it may as well be tossed.

If the lamination can be peeled off and saved it may be useful for making a marking knife.


Mark R Webster
03-30-2017, 9:34 PM
Hi Jim, I think it will have to be trashed. I tried to separate it but it comes off in pieces. Thanks

Jim Koepke
03-30-2017, 11:09 PM
Hi Jim, I think it will have to be trashed. I tried to separate it but it comes off in pieces. Thanks

That is too bad.

Maybe if the logo can be cut out and turned into a pin you could sell it on ebay and make enough money to buy a new PM v-11 blade.


Mark R Webster
03-30-2017, 11:16 PM
Hmmm :rolleyes: