View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
03-27-2017, 8:24 AM
27 Mar 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
My guess is that by now, each of you have figured out that I'm consistently inconsistent. :)
Did a bit of woodworking in the shop this weekend as well as learned how to cook French Bread Baggett's. Now, I'm only learning how to cook after all these years and it's like learning woodworking for the very first time with all the terms, processes, techniques, and etc that go with cooking. Sometimes cooking is fun and other times it's not....just like woodworking. :)

Been decent weather here with passing rain and storms. Now I need to start planning what to do for the LOML's birthday later this week. Oh what to cook for her!!

Well, that's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
03-27-2017, 9:20 AM
Chef Dennis, you're doing delicious work based on the photos I've seen and the comments from your "customers". :)

Mishmash weekend again. Saturday morning and into early afternoon if you include lunch, we had a PSU campus visit with our younger daughter for some orientation presentations. I did get in the shop a little after that to sand the edges of some beekeeping woodenware that was recently completed and painted and then put that all away in preparation of the next project. The remainder of the day/evening was spent being a tax accountant, completing both of my daughters' returns plus my parents' return...and then starting on "the beast" which is ours.

Sunday, I was in the shop working on a replacement upper cabinet for in our kitchen...an issue with "wood eating creatures" ruined an end cabinet and I don't want to risk just trying to repair it due to the chance that something hidden might survive.

Interestingly, I had to open the shop up completely on Saturday...to warm it up. It was about 15ºF colder inside than out! LOL Then again, on Sunday, I had to run the heat...go figure.


Brian Henderson
03-27-2017, 9:57 AM
Mostly finished up a present for my oldest daughter, which is good because I have to give it to her next weekend. Spent most of the weekend getting ready for a vacation next week. Put new tires on my wife's car and shopped a lot.

Mike Ontko
03-27-2017, 10:24 AM
Sometimes cooking is fun and other times it's not....just like woodworking. :)

Words of wisdom - lol. In either case, however, it's always a learning experience. And that's pretty much the whole point.

I made my first cove cuts on a tablesaw last week, to create a decorative edge molding for the shelves of my cherry and fir bookcase (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/album.php?albumid=867). The process was easier than I was expecting, but created every bit as much dust as several videos had warned. Over the weekend, I finished up smoothing out the remaining blade marks using a card scraper and sandpaper, then used #20 biscuits and glue to mount the moldings to each shelf (5 in all). I won't do the final sizing on them until the case is completely assembled and glued. But before I can get to that I'm going to apply two coats of tung oil to the cherry frame pieces (being careful not to cover the surfaces where the joinery meets), and then coat that with a few layers of a dewaxed "Ruby" shellac.

Chris Hachet
03-27-2017, 10:51 AM
Picked up a very nice used 1941 ish Walker turner 14 inch band saw. Came from a guy I used to race cars with, his father bought it from the original owner in March of 1957. Friend decided he wanted to sue a Laguna 14-12 after having used the W-T for 60 years....after awhile, anyone could get bored with one machine, right?

Came with a rare factory accessory that mounts the motor to the rear of the saw, carter guides, and a new Marathon 1 HP motor. P.O. was a machinist and a mechanical engineer so he balanced the wheels flawlessly, upgraded the bearings, and generally had the saw in pretty good running order. Also included was a home built pulley system to slow the saw down for metal working, which I have since removed.

Brian, who shares my shop now owns my jet 14 inch Delta clone, and we are in the process of setting that saw up with a carter blade stabilizer so we ahve something for really fine cuts.

I have another band saw hopefully coming later this week, may post up some pics when it is all done.

The balance of my woodworking was all home owner repair stuff and some repair work on some furniture I have been putting off for awhile.

Jay Larson
03-27-2017, 1:18 PM
I saw a squirrel last week, so I am off in another direction... I got the brilliant idea of making a MAME game machine for the 'basement bar'. Never mind that the basement bar is an area in the basement for now. (We do have the layout planned, just have to frame it in.)

So I had the Raspberry Pi board, and the software all set up and I was testing it with regular gamepads and the keyboard. I then ordered a kit that had the full joystick and buttons. I got a couple of the switches connected to do some testing, when I decided that I 'need' to build a hand held console for extended testing. Figuring I would just slap six pieces of plywood together, it would be done in an hour or so.

That lasted until I saw the poplar leftovers from some drawers. Nice 1/2" poplar looking for a project. OK, Friday night was spent building that. Only took me two hours, so not too much extra. Then I got it wired up and connected. Hey it works!! Pretty much first time. I did have to change some configuration files because I had some buttons plugged in different spots. But it was easier to change a file than the rewire the buttons.

So I proceeded to spend the next four hours 'testing' the games.

Saturday was spent at a programming conference learning how to write programs that can use the Echo and Google Home. Pretty interesting.

I did get back out to the shop on Sunday to clean up Friday's mess, and show it to my nephew.

Rod Sheridan
03-27-2017, 2:15 PM
27 Mar 2017

Good Morning Everyone,
My guess is that by now, each of you have figured out that I'm consistently inconsistent. :)
Did a bit of woodworking in the shop this weekend as well as learned how to cook French Bread Baggett's. Now, I'm only learning how to cook after all these years and it's like learning woodworking for the very first time with all the terms, processes, techniques, and etc that go with cooking. Sometimes cooking is fun and other times it's not....just like woodworking. :)

Been decent weather here with passing rain and storms. Now I need to start planning what to do for the LOML's birthday later this week. Oh what to cook for her!!

Well, that's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Sounds really good Dennis, the only thing is it's a "baguette". I never thought of it as being like woodworking however you're correct, once you learn all the names and the individual skills, suddenly you can put it all together into a great meal or nice piece of furniture.

I made a drawer for a neighbour's kitchen, and went with a friend to pick up an Oneida cyclone I found for $375...........regards, Rod.

Chuck Skarsaune
03-27-2017, 2:39 PM
Finished this up for the wife.
Poplar slab the brother-in-law milled, legs are from an oak beam out of our barn, frasier magnolia shelves off our property.
Lots of firsts for me, I'm a rookie.

Dan Rude
03-28-2017, 10:36 AM
Well my weekend was helping my Son Connor, at his last Pack 54 Pinewood Derby. (He is transitioning into Boy Scouts) Of course we were finishing the car that morning. His car the Red Stripe took First in his Pack. He even took 2nd in the Outlaw Class (Unofficial) with it. He was only beaten by an Electric Fan powered car. He now wants to compete in the District Race in April. He is the the tall 10 year old in the picture.