View Full Version : Shapton GS 16000 vs Sigma Power 13000

Sanjeev Agarwal
03-21-2017, 5:34 PM
I am sorry if this has been answered before. I have the Shapton Glass stone 1000 and 8000, and am looking to buy a finer stone. I have read very good reviews on the Sigma Power 13000 but do not have a direct comparison between it and the Shapton Glass 16000. If anyone has used both of them, would appreciate if you can share your experience. Thanks.

Sean Reilly
03-23-2017, 4:15 PM
I have a Shapton 16000 and it works very well, I love it. Have not used the other. If money is an issue you could get about the same affect with a peace of leather glued to a flat board. Hope this helps.