View Full Version : No lathe replacement chisel handle

Phil Mueller
03-21-2017, 12:08 AM
While waiting for glue to dry, thought I'd try a first attempt at making a replacment chisel handle sans lathe. Grabbed a piece of 8/4 hard maple and cut a blank, planed it square and then planed down to 16 sides.

Phil Mueller
03-21-2017, 12:27 AM
Starting at the taper end, I sawed a line at length to approximate depth. Using spokeshave, riflers, carving chisel got it to a pretty good fit.

356588 356589 356590 356591 356592

Phil Mueller
03-21-2017, 12:28 AM
Progressing up the handle, more apokeshave, rifflers, files, chisels, sandpaper and anything else I could find to shape the thing...
356593 356594 356596 356597

Not a perfect replica, but should be a decent user.

Rob Luter
03-21-2017, 6:31 AM
Nice job. I too lack a lathe. I've made a couple of cylindrical pieces using a similar technique as you. My results were less precise, but functional nonetheless. I was going for the "frontier look". (Sure, that's it :D)

Jerry Olexa
03-21-2017, 7:32 PM
Nice Job, Phil....I admire your patience, You made it happen without the lathe..I'm just learning how to turn as I have +20 socket chisel handles to make..But I'm learning and discovering its fun..BTW, the fit of the socket is the key step..Nice work, Phil.

Brent Cutshall
03-22-2017, 6:09 AM
That's how I did it. Nice job!

Alan Schwabacher
03-22-2017, 10:45 AM
If you are not using a lathe, why make it round? Oval, octagonal, rounded edged triangular... all are good for various tools. I consider round to be a compromise shape that is not best in use, but is common because it's easily made on a lathe.

Jerry Olexa
03-22-2017, 11:04 AM
Must say again:Phil, you did a remarkable job considering no lathe,,,

lowell holmes
03-22-2017, 12:29 PM
Like you, I have no lathe. I made handles for two timber framing chisels. I made one round with shaves and sand paper. The other, I made hex shaped and rounded the edges a bit..

One is a socket and the other a tang chisel.

It's not difficult to do.

Phil Mueller
03-22-2017, 6:33 PM
Thanks all. Yes, hexagonal or long cylindar would have been easier, but I was out to match the original handle as close as possible to match two others in this set. Just one of those lets see if I can do it project.

Jerry, your post on wood choice did inspire me to take a shot at this. And I must say if I was looking at 20 handles, I'd be searching for someone local with a lathe, or perhaps a mini lathe for the shop. I'm embarrased to say how many hours I ended up spending on this one handle. Good luck! Keep us posted.

James Pallas
03-22-2017, 7:51 PM
Nice work Phil. It pays to work on those skills. There are many places in woodworking where hand shaping is required. I wish I was better at it. I keep trying.

Jerry Olexa
03-23-2017, 10:51 AM
Phil, as I was preparing for making my chisel handles , I stumbled on a You Tube video of a man doing it by hand (no lathe)..Cannot remember his name nor link..He also used spokeshave and drawknife....A tip for the future.