View Full Version : Wood identification help needed

Damon McLaughlin
03-18-2017, 2:12 PM
I've had this small piece of wood for a while, long enough to forget where I got it from. Its about four or five inches in diameter, very hard wood. I turned a small piece that I had cut off and it barely needed sanding. It has a sweet odor to it. Any idea what it could be? Is it possible its pecan? The reason I ask is I remember getting a piece of pecan last summer but I don't remember what I did with it.



Brice Rogers
03-18-2017, 4:20 PM
I would guess, IMnsHO that at this point, it would be called "firewood". ;)

Whatever it was, it doesn't look like it would be a good candidate for turning. The cracks in the end and side makes it look a bit dangerous for turning.

Allan Ferguson
03-18-2017, 6:53 PM
Firewood or how I got my wound.

Barry McFadden
03-18-2017, 6:57 PM
I would guess, IMnsHO that at this point, it would be called "firewood". ;)

Whatever it was, it doesn't look like it would be a good candidate for turning. The cracks in the end and side makes it look a bit dangerous for turning.

I think it would be good for turning a mushroom....they look better with cracks and imperfections...


Tony Rozendaal
03-18-2017, 7:00 PM
Looks quite a lot like Buckthorn to me. Dense wood, twisted growth, close grain and a sweet smell while turning are all a fit for buckthorn.

Wes Ramsey
03-20-2017, 3:29 PM
Possibly mulberry or Osage orange?

Damon McLaughlin
03-21-2017, 2:44 AM
Its definitely not osage orange. I was able to get six really nice pen blanks from it and since I don't turn pens I donated the blanks to the wood shop on base. They offer pen turning classes for the airmen and their families. They didn't know what it was either.