View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-17-2005, 10:54 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. It's time to share what YOU did this weekend.

All I did was work for "work" as I was oncall. My weekend SUCKED!!!!!

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jeff Sudmeier
10-17-2005, 10:54 AM
I worked on Christmas gifts!! I got three cutting boards and a pen/pencil set done. I will continue to work on gifts until December 24th (and maybe beyond :O)

Matt Meiser
10-17-2005, 11:08 AM
Spent the weekend on Michigan's west coast at my brother's wedding. This is the wedding that I made the buffet (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=22959&highlight=buffet) for. I was in the wedding party, and recieved a branding iron (http://www.rockler.com/ecom7/product_details.cfm?&offerings_id=6378&SearchHandle=DADBDADFDADADDDGDJGGDFDBDAGCGGDECNDJD AGCGCCNDEGDGBDJCNGCDADCDACNDFDBDCDJGGGEDDGBGDGCDEG EDADADADBDADADADADIGCHCGBGOGEGJGOGHDADADADEDADADAD ADADADADBDFDADADADBDADADADADADADADADADADADADBDADAD ADADIGCHCGBGOGEGJGOGHDADADADBDB&filter=branding) as a thank you gift. I was really suprised and they couldn't have chosen a more perfect gift. Unfortunately, the buffet is now in Minneapolis, so I won't get a chance to brand it until next summer when we go to visit.

The only other woodworking related activity was doing some work on a web site for a side business I am going to start doing some woodworking for others, and stopping at Johnson's Workbench in Charlotte to pick up a some tulip wood and purpleheart to use in some cutting boards.

Lee DeRaud
10-17-2005, 11:09 AM
High point of the weekend was the Santana concert Friday night: that old man can still play with the best of them!:cool:

Low point of the weekend was the extreme suckitude of the Angels, losing three straight to the White Sox. Only redeeming point was that the concert kept me from watching the first exercise in futility.:mad:

Not much woodworking-related...oh wait, the concert was at Home Depot Center, does that count?:p

Bill Lewis
10-17-2005, 11:14 AM
Well I had a long weekend in Pilot Mountain NC. I did do some woodworking before going there. I needed to make an oak handle for the large butcher knife (cleaver) that I was using to terrorize innocent victims at the Hacker House (http://www.hackerhouse.com).

Oops, did I forgot to mention that Hacker House (http://www.hackerhouse.com) is a haunted attraction that a friend of mine owns and operates. I go there every year to have some fun, help him fix things, and let off a little steam. If anyone is in the Winston Salem, Mt. Airy, High Point etc... area and wants to have some good halloween fun, they should definately check this place out. Even without me, they put on a pretty darn good show. They use experienced, paid actors, not volunteers (except me). The make up is first rate, not just a bunch of masks from Walmart, and the sets are amazing. I'm going back this weekend for round two.

Steven Shelby
10-17-2005, 11:16 AM
I worked on Christmas gifts!! I got three cutting boards and a pen/pencil set done. I will continue to work on gifts until December 24th (and maybe beyond :O)

Very active of you, my friend!

I began the process of building my shop in the garage.... mostly cleaning and sorting from out move. I can't believe how much stuff I have, even after throwing alot of shop stuff out before the move! I hope to have a reasonable facsimile of a shop soon enough to do some Christmas gifts as well!

Brian Austin
10-17-2005, 11:29 AM
I've been lurking for a while and decided to toss my weekend on to the list. :D

My dad and I started up the new Delta Unisaw for the first time and built a few shop cabinets. We also finished hanging up the French cleat system around three walls of the shop. Now I can hang up cabinets or brackets and move them around as needed.

No, I don't have pictures yet but it's getting closer.

Spent some time at the office on Saturday. Blah. Studied for finals this week. Double blah.

Back in the air next weekend for some morning flying then out to the shop again. My first non-work weekend in at least six weeks!

Scott Coffelt
10-17-2005, 11:43 AM
It was over too fast.

Friday night we watched the Interpreter, actually the first movie that Nicole Kidman has been in for what seems like forever, where it was actually worth watching. I really like the movie, 4 popcorm bags out of 5.

Saturday we had Flag Football, a day at the pumpkin patch with another family and then pizza night out, more playing till they (kids) crashed. I also got some yard work in, and new skins on the Avelanche, wrapped up by watching the drivers continuously hitting the wall after flats in NASCAR. Go Jimmie Johnson.

Sunday visited with my folks and watched some football, did a little house organization. And then it was over, my shop list was relegated to the back and nothing got done.... except I made a couple of shelves for a closet (big wippee)

Bob Oehler
10-17-2005, 11:49 AM
Got a whoping 25 minuts all weekend in the shop. Honed my chisels and was able to pare out one dovetail socket on a board where the pins were already marked and sawed.

Take care
Bob Oehler

John Hart
10-17-2005, 11:52 AM
Saturday, I went to visit Earl Reid where he was set up for the Freedom Pens Project, Turned a couple Pens and attended a birthday party... Sunday was spent building a Firewood box for the back porch so we won't have to trudge through the snow in the middle of the night to stoke the fire. Also got started turning a hollow-bowl out of Pink Myrtle Burl...So far, so good. (that's where I wish I was right now!!!):(

Don Dean
10-17-2005, 12:02 PM
New steel building was finished and now can start moving my wife's stuff out of the garage and then start putting together my first workshop. Can't wait to start putting my tools together and making some saw dust.

I am 53 years old, retired, tired of setting in front of the computer all day, and after watching woodworking on TV for 28 years I have decided its time to jump in do some woodworking myself.

Glad I found and could support sawmillcreek as you guys and gals are great and helpful to a new woodworker enthusiast. Will send pics of my shop when it's completed.

Jay Kilpatrick
10-17-2005, 12:20 PM
Heh Heh Heh... I payed a visit to Steve Jenkins and his lovely wife Marge at their new digs this weekend. I can report that its a lovely site to make a home on. Steve also has a very nice and spacious shop being built. Should be a real treat at next year's BBQ. Now on to the story...

If you recall, Steve put out a notice that along with the BBQ, anyone interested in coming out a little early on either Friday or Saturday could help themselves to some Osage Orange (on the hoof as it was) and/or some pecan (with a few large crotches). I wrote Steve a short note and said heck yeah, I'd be out early Saturday before the BBQ to get some. Let me say now, because I know you're coming to a conclusion at this very moment; my scheduler (LOML Amy) is out of town with the kids so I have no concept of time. So I drive out to Steve's and see that *hey, nobody's here?* So, I call Steve... he seems surprised to hear my voice. I tell him I'm out in front of the place... again he seems surprised and says they're out in back. So I hop out of the truck and walk around to say hi. I come around, and all I see is Steve. So I says,"Where's everybody?" Steve says, "Well, the BBQ is next week?." THEN it hits me... I'm a week early. But let's turn this into a positive situation. I'm here (before anyone else) with my saw and there's big crotches to be had! Yippee! So Steve shows me to the bodark tree he wants trimmed up. Steve's a nice guy, so we get to work trimming it up and there should be plenty 8" diameter and less chunks to pass around at the BBQ. I was a little skeptical about anything "large" coming my way... until Steve took me over to his neighbor Steve's house to show me the pecan tree that got blown over in a wind storm. This thing is at least three feet at the butt, with 6 large crotches. The largest was the main branch and the smallest "large" crotch would have yielded a set of 14" bowls/platter. The butt was rotten with no spalting, so I didn't work from that end. But I did buck up plenty of that pecan and ripped 8 crotch blanks and 2 regular blanks that are going to max out the Powermatic. Steve said he's going to bring some of the pecan and bodark to the picnic, and I left plenty to go a-round.

I was beat by that time, so I quickly stopped by Steve's to say thanks for telling me(us) about the wood and that I'd see him next week. Since it was only 1:30, I thought I'd acquaint myself with Mike Mastin and check out where I would have gone too had I not been so early. Besides, I needed some 10-12/4 stock for christmas (peppermills). Well, I stopped and talked...and bought some very nice figured Padauk for the mills. While there, I also met an older gentleman/woodworker/woodturner. Seeing as I had been very fortunate earlier in the day, I thought I'd spread it around and gave him a couple of the crotch blanks. Call it karma, but I felt kinda guilty for taking the choice pieces so I gave Hugh (the older gentlemen) a couple of my freshly cut prizes (yes, I sealed them on-site). There, no guilt anymore and the cosmos is once more in balance.

Spent Sunday preparing half the house for carpet cleaning (no wife and kids around, so this is the time to do it!) and then doing the actual cleaning. I'll wait a couple of days for those rooms to dry so I can use them for preping the other rooms. Of course Dewey (our resident fuzzball) checked out the freshly cleaned floor in his favorite napping spot...then quickly decided (after giving me a viscious glare) that wet carpet wasn't conducive to napping;) .

Movie for the weekend was "Alone in the Dark". Trust me, just stick to the video game as the movie's only saving grace were the cool monsters, which reminded me of "Alien". 1 Popcorn bag out of 5, as the saying goes.

So...I'll see y'all at the picnic next week.

David Wilson
10-17-2005, 12:25 PM
Saturday I rearainged the shop to make room for new bandsaw. Rikon 10-340. 18". Sunday i finished assy of bandsaw, Installed conduit and wireing for saw. My first attempt at bending conduit. Not pretty but was abel to pull wires through with no problems. Fired up the saw and tried it out on some white oak. The blade that came with the saw is not the best but it did a pretty good job on the oak. Also did some yard work.

Kent Cartwright
10-17-2005, 12:29 PM
Took 10 boy scouts camping, where we dodged two thunderstorms by total luck. I had parents calling me on the cell phone saying, "there's a thunderstorm warning right now. What are you going to do?" Well, as luck would have it, one storm cell went north of us, and one went south, so what we did was watch the pretty lightening show while eating dutch oven peach cobbler! We had a touch of rain, and that was it. The rest of the weekend was beautiful, with the fall colors in full bloom. The scouts had a blast, and we even finished half of Forestry merit badge. (there's the woodworking link, lol)

Sunday afternoon, once I cleaned up equipment, I did some yard work, and then was sentenced for some hard time in the shop (yippee!!). Worked on the feet for a couple of inlay jewelry boxes I am working on for Christmas presents. Overall, a pretty nice weekend.


John Hart
10-17-2005, 12:59 PM
I am 53 years old, retired, tired of setting in front of the computer all day, and after watching woodworking on TV for 28 years I have decided its time to jump in do some woodworking myself.....

Congratulations Don!!! You won't regret it!.....well...maybe a little.:D

David Duke
10-17-2005, 1:10 PM
Spent Saturday and Sunday mornings milling the maple for some cabinets I'm building for upstairs, the evenings were spent..................

Watching the Astros beat the Cardinals!!!!

By the way I agree that the umpire was inconsistent behind the plate and I mean no disrespect to the St.Louis fans it just that I'm (really the entire city is) so excited about the possibility of making our first World Series but I won't breath easy until (hopefully) we win the fourth game.

Andy London
10-17-2005, 1:12 PM
Being fall up here it was time to fill the workshop store house with wood to keep us going through the winter, well probably late February:D The price of Gas being what it is and the 7 hour trip involved to pick the wood up, I opted to have it shipped and it worked perfect and not very expensive.

Since the driver was in a rush I piled it on the back section of the shops floor then spent most of Sunday sorting and piling....which is the later pictures.

Still a pile of outdoor projects but mother nature is determined to keep me in the shop, high winds and an amazing amount of rain all weekend.

400 feet of Birdseye
200 Curly Birdseye
200 Soft Curly
250 Flame and Curly Cherry
250 Curly Birch
150 Cherry Red Birch

Exotics are due to arrive tomorrow, not sure where I am going to put that pile.



And the After Pics



John S Richards
10-17-2005, 1:14 PM
I cranked out casework on 32 feet of cabinets. :) Got a deadline to meet. "I don't know what noise that was you heard at 2am coming from my shop. I wasn't still working, honest" ;)

Sometimes sleep is optional. :)


Larry Browning
10-17-2005, 1:40 PM
I am 53 years old, retired, .....

HEY!!:eek: That as far as I got on this post! I'm 54 years old and NOT retired! Still have 10 or 11 more years to go. What am I doing wrong????


Steve Clardy
10-17-2005, 3:19 PM
Generally goofed off this weekend. This working seven days a week, 10-12-14 hours a day is getting old. Need to quit bidding so much work I guess.
Did some general cleaning in the shop, moved some stuff around. Need to build a new sheet goods rack, [closer to the table saw] but don't know where to move my 3000# hydraulic lathe yet. It's where I want to put the sheet goods rack.
Did some work on the wifes sewing room addition, trying to get 10 drawers made for the cabinets I built in there under the sewing station.

Larry Fox
10-17-2005, 5:19 PM
Spent my weekend building a new router table fence based on Pat Warner's design from FWW a while back. I really need one and have always admired his fence as it looks really versitile. I did some significant cursing on this one as the supplier where I got the metal parts shorted me a piece of aluminum and I tried to substitute a piece of REALLY hard stainless for the missing piece. Afterall, how tough could it be to drill and tap it, just gotta get it drilled and take the tapping slow, and keep it lubed, right? Wrong, burnt up a few bits and broke a perfectly good 5/16" tap. This woodworker's shop is NOT equiped very well to deal with metal. And, as luck would have it, the piece they shorted me showed up in the mail today - and now I have to go get another tap. :mad:

I also stickered untold bd-ft of 4/4 cherry that I got on a gloat-worthy haul into my shop in preperation for building a set of cabinets for SWMBO's kitchen (winter project). I am in a two-car garage so there aint much people-room left but it sure does smell good in there.

That's about it.

Ed Breen
10-17-2005, 7:42 PM
My weekend started on Friday when for the 22nd time I hosted 248 developmentally disabled individuals from 4 to 70 years of age. We bowled three flights between 9:00 am and 5:00pm. What a blast. Food from Mickey D (free) and pop from pepsi (also free). Ususally we finish off with a dance in the evening but this year were holding off for a haloween dance later. Got up Saturday and went out and cleaned up the shop. I suffer from dropsy and LOML has me cover all the flat surfaces to keep me neat. Anyway, I got the place tidied up, moved 120 bd. ft./ of oak and by Sunday night the place was almost spic and span.
As I write this I'm getting ready to hit the hospital early tomorrow for a new knee. After this weekend I know that I need the operation. Should be back on line by Friday evening.

Fred Voorhees
10-17-2005, 7:44 PM
Spent much of Saturday prepping the camper for winter storage and actually getting it back into its parking bay area. Ran into a few snags along the way with that and it took a bit longer than planned. Also got started on fabbing up some new doors for an older shed on the property. The current (original) doors on the shed died back in the spring and I just couldn't get to them anytime this year.

Did some leaf blowing before getting set for Saturday nights NASCAR race, which of course was enjoyed with some racing buddies in the bar room. Sunday found me spending a bit more time on the shed doors and getting into some planning for an upcoming salmon fishing weekend in a few weeks.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-17-2005, 7:46 PM
Spent Saturday getting some admin things caught up for work.

Sunday flew from Spokane to Phoenix to Milwaukee for 2 weeks of training.

Long day Sunday!

Rob Littleton
10-17-2005, 8:03 PM
Saturday - traffic school all day :mad:

Sunday - Watched the Sox kick butt and cleaned half of the shop....

Got the rest to do.........SIGH!!!!

Hey, but I found the lathe under all that garbage :D

Dan Larson
10-17-2005, 10:21 PM
400 feet of Birdseye
200 Curly Birdseye
200 Soft Curly
250 Flame and Curly Cherry
250 Curly Birch
150 Cherry Red Birch

Very nice pile of lumber, Andy-- even from a distance it's not hard to see the wild grain of some of those boards! Looking forward to seeing some of the projects that you make with it.


Andy London
10-18-2005, 7:22 AM
Very nice pile of lumber, Andy-- even from a distance it's not hard to see the wild grain of some of those boards! Looking forward to seeing some of the projects that you make with it.


It's is not all that often we get a supply of Quilted Maple as there isn't a lot of big leaf maple here, we are mainly Sugar Maple country when it comes to the maples, thus the Birdseye.

Anyhow I bought an entire log of bigleaf when a mill called me, had it sawed and dried. Last evening I just had to see what it looked like and started a couple keepsake boxes. They will be Quilted with Bloodwood trim, oh my goodness is this stuff ever crazy:eek: I am going to glue up some Tiger Maple and Kingwood or Tulipwood this evening as it should be something else also.:D


John Hart
10-18-2005, 7:29 AM
Holy Cow Andy!!! Is that gorgeous or what!!??:)

Karl Laustrup
10-18-2005, 8:20 AM
Yeah! What John said and then some. :)


Dan Larson
10-18-2005, 8:52 AM
Wow, Andy-- simply amazing stuff!!!

Hank Knight
10-18-2005, 11:42 AM
I spent the weekend at Debordieu Island, SC and took in the Georgetown Wooden Boat Show. The weather was perfect for the beach and the boat show was REALLY fun. There were lots of boats of all sizes, some new and some restorations. One of the most interesting was a restored 1878 Canadian canoe built of two thin 90 degree solid wood bent laminations. It was decked fore and aft and had brass fittings. The lines were really nice. It was a comercially produced canoe and the laminated wood construction was pretty revolutionaly for the times. According to the display materials, only three remain in existence, the other two of which are in Canadaian museums.

There was also a timed boat building competition. Twelve teams of two builders were given identical materials and plans for a simple plywood rowboat. The finished boat had to stay afloat long enough to be rowed twice across the river and back. The winning team completed their boat in a little under two hours and it passed the river test. I'll tell you, there was some fierce boatbuilding going on. I'm surprised someone didn't lose some fingers or toes. Saws and routers were left on the ground, stumbled over and kicked out of the way; and the Miter saw "techniques" were downright scary. But the whole thing was a lot of fun and nobody got hurt.

Unfortunately, I left my camera behind so I didn't get any pictures.

Ron Fritz
10-18-2005, 8:48 PM
I don't post very often but I thought I'd share a quick project that I did over the weekend. About 25 years ago I designed a candle lantern and made a few for my family & friends. I hadn't made one in 20 years but recently I had a desire to recreate the lantern and put an electric candle in it. The electric candle worked out well and has a new home on a corner table.

Kelly C. Hanna
10-19-2005, 12:06 AM
We camped out in Atlanta Texas at the state park from Thursday to Sunday and had a great time!

Man Andy, that's a nice stack of wood! That Quilted Maple is nothing short of stunning!