View Full Version : Help Needed, links on Sharpening Articlles

Stew Denton
03-18-2017, 1:13 AM
I found a post, maybe in the archives, I think that had a couple of links to articles on the net on sharpening and a review on the various type of sharpening stones and other sharpening media. The article had sections of various phases of sharpening, I think, and a multiple page article on the various types of stone, natural and man made.

It may have been a link in a current post to an older post that had the links to the two articles.

Of special interest was information on the composition of the different types of stones, natural and man made, and descriptions of the composition of the abrasives, etc.

Well, I copied the links into folders, but one of them has now disappeared, and I can't find it.

Help to find the two original links would be much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


Jim Koepke
03-18-2017, 12:03 PM

I am not sure on the particular post for which you may be searching. This may have some of the information you seek:


Otherwise if it wasn't too long ago you may try checking your browser history.
