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View Full Version : 14th century cabinet

roger wiegand
03-11-2017, 3:35 PM
We visited the Palazzo Davanzati in Firenze this morning, and I was particularly taken with this 14th century cabinet. Not sure if this is the right place to post such a thing, but it's one of the older pieces I've seen with raised panels, and I just really enjoyed the look of this. It was roughly 6 ft tall, for scale.

Also saw a huge (14 ft long) 15th century cabinet that had a single board top about 22 in wide that was framed with a 4" wide frame with mitered corners on the breadboard ends. I could not, for the life of me, understand how those miters had not opened up and the top not cracked over the last 400 years. This was in a building that has had central heat in winter since ~1910.


Michael J Evans
03-11-2017, 4:20 PM
That is very nice.
I often wonder how long it took the craftsman back then to construct these pieces?

Andrew Hughes
03-11-2017, 5:32 PM
Wow that cabinet is Wonky very cool.

Kees Heiden
03-12-2017, 3:39 AM
You posted this in exactly the right spot! I like this kind of stuff. I was in the Spanish Pyrenees last summer and enjoyed many old towns, castles and churches with occasionally some very old furniture too.

Indeed, they didn't seem to spend much thought on wood movement back then when you see some constructions!