View Full Version : Handyman Club of America

Steve Aiken
10-15-2005, 11:39 AM
I just got an offer in the mail offering "free tools"... all you have to do is complete a survey on your experience with the tools. Only $2.00 per month.

Has anyone here signed up for the "Handyman Club of America"? Just wondering if you actually do receive free tools, and what the frequency and value of said tools might be?


roy knapp
10-15-2005, 11:48 AM
Steve stay away from it, as they say There's no free lunch.
I have not any dealings with them but know others who have (not good).:) :)

Dave Bartley
10-15-2005, 11:50 AM

Joe Blankshain
10-15-2005, 12:00 PM
Stay away and be afraid....very afraid. They suck you in and bill you for everything they can. The grip is very tight and difficult to escape. You are better served with a trip to Woodcraft and a subscription to to FWW.

Todd Davidson
10-15-2005, 12:07 PM
But those complimentary return address labels make the offer sooooo much more enticing........;)

Karl Laustrup
10-15-2005, 12:18 PM
What everyone else has said plus+++++.

I have been a member?? for several years now. I did sign up for the free tool evaluation program. The items I got were not even relevent to woodworking and were at the most worth about $10 each. I don't know who the people are that they show in the mag that get all these several hundred dollar tools to try and then keep. Besides it took about 7 months between sending in my info for the evaluation to get my first one and then I had to go through the sign up process again.

They will try to get you to become a "Life Member" [maybe that's how you get the good tools and win the bi-monthly drawing] and inundate you with junk mail on the order of once per week. I think they are selling your info to other junk mailers also.

All in all I think you would be very disappointed, IMHO, after a short time and then have to suffer through a few years of getting their stuff.

Get a subscription to FWW, WOOD, or one of the other mags. You'll be further ahead in the long run.

Just my $1.398 cents worth. It's my opinion for what it's worth.


Frank Pellow
10-15-2005, 12:46 PM
Also see the thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=23490

Gredo Goldenstein
10-15-2005, 2:23 PM
I actually know someone who has a pleather Handyman Club of America jacket! I wonder how many box tops he had to send in to get that one!

I also got the white impossible to read drill gauge in the mail about 8 months ago. Since then I have moved. About time to see another one comin' around.

Doug Jones
10-15-2005, 2:38 PM
I also got the white impossible to read drill gauge in the mail about 8 months ago. Since then I have moved. About time to see another one comin' around.
How many do you need?

Dale Rodabaugh
10-15-2005, 4:14 PM
Cant say nothin more,looks like you guys have said it all.Only thing I can think of is there are other clubs just like this one out there.One has to do with bass fishing,just a rip off.:eek: :mad: :( :cool:

Bernie Weishapl
10-15-2005, 5:16 PM
Oh but Dale there is another one for Golf. I almost got sucked into that one. You get to try the $400 clubs for free for 6 months to evaluate. Then for just $350 you can keep it and they try their @#$%^&@#$ to get you to keep it.:mad: My brother did and he has regretted every minute of it. I asked about this earlier and was given the same advice. Sounds like the same golf and fishin deal. Just my $1.298

Pete Harbin
10-15-2005, 5:19 PM
Run! Do not walk away...run!

I joined and they started sending me their books. The ones you have to return or pay for. They sent the first one, while I was out of town, so the evaluation period ended. No biggie...I should have read the fine print. So I paid for the book and cancelled the program. About three months later I get a bill for a second book...one that never arrived. So I make a call and tell them that I didn't receive any book, and that I cancelled the program months before. Another month and another bill come along. Another call, another month, another bill for the invisible book, now 90 days past due. Now I'm so mad that I have SWMBO call them. They assure her that all has been taken care of...aaaahhhh, finally. Then about 9 months later I recieve a notice from a collection agency for $17 for that stinking book!

Don't just not sign up with these clowns, but warn as many folks as you can! These IDIOTS are the only blight on my otherwise, hard earned, perfect credit!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

If there is anything I can do, legally, to cost these jokers money or to lose business or subscribers I will do it!


Frank Guerin
10-15-2005, 5:59 PM
that I could be Grand Pubah, El Presidenta and dictator for life. I knew it was a lie because the x-wife already has that job.

Brian Hale
10-15-2005, 6:07 PM
I was one of the lucky few to actually tested one of their tools. Got the notice in the mail that the tool would be arriving shortly and they were looking forward to my review. When it arrived i was shocked to find a utility knife made from yellow plastic! Retractable blade and all!

My review consisted of something like " A @$#%@# PLASTIC UTILITY KNIFE!!!!"

This was about 13 years ago at a different address and I'm still getting offers in the mail at my current address. Big orange envelopes with plastic drill gages. I save them 'cause they make good glue spreaders....

Brian :)

Rob Littleton
10-15-2005, 7:20 PM
I have been sucked into this unfortunately and will not be renewing my subscription.

If you read the small print of the "free" tools, you will see you get 4 plastic clamps, and another piece of garbage (Im not recalling right now) IF you get the hex head set of garbage that they want you to test. If, after 30 days, you decided to keep this heap of Taiwanese metal, you do so for the price of 4 easy payments of 29.99...............

I was blown away. I would give 1 payment of 29.99.....

I will be cancelling my subscription of those garbage books too.

Jesse Cloud
10-15-2005, 11:05 PM
The plastic drill gauges are also good for featherboards. I screwed one onto two pieces of wood at 90 degrees and clamp it on the bandsaw just before the blade, turn it to an angle that gives just the right pressure to hold the stock against the fence. Otherwise, Handyman is just plain silly, same goes for their magazine.

Karl Laustrup
10-16-2005, 7:19 AM
I think I'm up to 5 or 6 drill size thingys [one black, I'm holding out for other colors:D ].

I have also recieved carpenters pencils. While they are not worth the cost of admission, at least they are usable and something that you can always use more than one of. I think I've gotten about 6 of those also.

Geez, how many stinking drill thingys do those bozo's think one person needs. :confused:


Dale Rodabaugh
10-16-2005, 8:46 AM
Hey Bernie,.I knew they were trying to rip off the Fishermen and Woodworkers,but My God the Golfers too?Whats this world coming to???:confused: :eek: :mad: :(

Scott Donley
10-16-2005, 1:55 PM
Steve, if you go for it let me know. They are building a new bridge here and I can make you a great deal on the old one! :))

Mark Patoka
10-17-2005, 12:06 PM
I'll admit I became a Lifetime member a few years back. They usually offer you several different "gifts" for sending in your money. Overall I don't think they are a bad organization but you can definitely spend your money better elsewhere.

I've tested 3 or 4 products so far valued at $5 or less.

They make most of their money selling you their books and tools. Once I sent back the first book they sent me I've never been bothered since. The tools they offer are low quality, carry their own brand label and are definitely not a bargain price. You can do better buying it at WalMart. I do continue to get their "special offers" and the plastic drill guides just like everyone else.

Their "Handy" magazine is not much different than Family Handyman or something on that order. I have yet to read a negative comment on any of the products reviewed. There is no published comprehensive tool testing/comparison like Wood or the other magazines do.

Their parent company also runs 9 other clubs: http://www.namginc.com/, including the fishing club and golf club.

Bottom line: save your money and hopefully find a use for all those drill guides.