View Full Version : William Young

Rich Stewart
10-15-2005, 12:47 AM
Anybody heard any updates on Bills condition? I heard in another forum he got caught in his lathe and messed up his arm pretty bad. Broken with loss of blood. If anybody hears anything let us know.

Tom Mullane
10-15-2005, 8:15 AM
Due to the rules I can't post the forum he is running, but I am there everyday and nothing has been said about him having a bad injury, in fact he posted this morining... and I know he took an extended camping trip to the US recently as well as participating in a couple of bluegrass festivals... I here he plays a mean guitar...

Harvey Brooks, Victoria, BC
10-15-2005, 10:49 AM
If you check on William's forum you'll see a thread about his injury and on the second page a reply from him. He suffered a compound fracture of his forearm when a shop made "cole jaws" flew off the lathe and hit him. It sounds like it was a pretty serious injury and it will probably be a long recovery process.

Rob Bourgeois
10-15-2005, 9:05 PM
I would appreciate a link to Bill's forumn..could someone PM me with it. I was on another one with him and never heard about this new one. Thanks

William Young SE BC
10-16-2005, 6:05 PM
sorry, i havn't been to this site for a while. somebody alerted me via email that there was a topic here about me.
i am typing lower case due to a handicap at this time. to save me a lot of typing to explain my accident here you could check my picturetrail photo album site at
you just might find a link there to my ww discussions site with the topic in question on my off topic board.:D

if this round about way of getting to my site is inapropriate and against any rules of this site and needs to be deleted by administration, i will understand completely and won't be offended if such action is necessary.

there is just so much in that thread that would make others think about safety so i took a chance of posting this in the hopes that it would help somone out and make them think more about keeping safety in mind.
if i was not typing with such a hadicap right now i would gladly share the whole thing here and in other sites but with my left arm having to be elevated 24/7 and typing with one finger on the right hand , it would be impossible to get the time required to help heal my injury.