View Full Version : Saw Blade Kink/Bow

Jake Hillestad
02-25-2017, 10:34 PM

I recently picked up a Disston rip saw on the bay (I know, sight unseen was the first mistake). When I received it it was mostly as described, other than the blade which was described as "straight" being (at least to my eye) anything but. Not a life changing amount of money if this turns into a lesson but I'd like to solicit opinions anyhow. On to the questions.

1) Is this even a make or break issue for general dimensioning work or am I being too anal?

2) If necessary, is it fixable? Whats the best way to go about it? Is it something I should tackle or best farmed out to those in the know? If farmed out how much of a hit to the pocket book and who should a guy look to?

Thanks in advance.

http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b462/hillestadj/Mobile%20Uploads/32BFEAE3-BA57-445F-88E7-4A4578C32C53_zpswncgapms.jpg (http://s1046.photobucket.com/user/hillestadj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/32BFEAE3-BA57-445F-88E7-4A4578C32C53_zpswncgapms.jpg.html)

http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b462/hillestadj/Mobile%20Uploads/1018F232-2B12-4103-9426-03463B8BC63A_zpsult85pwm.jpg (http://s1046.photobucket.com/user/hillestadj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/1018F232-2B12-4103-9426-03463B8BC63A_zpsult85pwm.jpg.html)

http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b462/hillestadj/Mobile%20Uploads/a0f91f0f-81ee-451b-b9ef-0e8f6b695a0f_zpsbndqgixz.jpg (http://s1046.photobucket.com/user/hillestadj/media/Mobile%20Uploads/a0f91f0f-81ee-451b-b9ef-0e8f6b695a0f_zpsbndqgixz.jpg.html)

Phil Mueller
02-26-2017, 7:52 AM
Jake, BTDT...the chances you take on the aution site. Try searching "saw straightening" in the search box located top right in the SMC masthead. There have been a number of threads related to this. Have you tried using the saw?

Dan Duperron
02-26-2017, 8:33 AM
The seller clearly misrepresented the saw. If I were you I would bitch to the seller and PayPal. Tell them you want a refund and if they want the saw back they can pay return shipping.

Too many good saws out there to bother with this one, IMO. I'd invest the time taking it out of the cheating seller's hide vs. straightening the saw.


steven c newman
02-26-2017, 10:19 AM
Large Ball pean hammer, clamped into a vise. Non-ball end up, to act as an anvil. Use a smaller ball pean and TAP around the kink part. Flip the plate over, and tap some more. Repeat until curve is gone.

Option #2. Cut the offending part off. Saw is then a "Panel saw".

Jeff Heath
02-26-2017, 3:30 PM
Most of the time, issues like this on a saw plate can be hammered out to straighten the plate. If you're new, it's a trial and error effort until you get a feel for how hard, where to hit, etc.....plenty of good threads online, as well as tutorials, to show you the way. Not a bad skill to develop if you're going to get into vintage hand tools. You've got to learn how to recondition them, as well as file them to sharp. They don't stay sharp forever.

Regarding the ebay situation; personally my experiences have lead me to believe that most sellers of tools haven't a clue what they're talking about. Either that, or they are just intentionally misrepresenting in order to create a sale. I have had poor luck on ebay buying stuff, unless I know the reputation of the seller. That being said, I usually will buy a saw for the quality of it's spring steel on the plate, knowing full well that I will probably have to straighten and file it. Not a problem as long as I'm not paying collector prices. You have every right to dispute the sale, and teach the ebay seller a valuable lesson about unscrupulous tool descriptions. It's pretty obviously not very straight. Maybe you can get half your money back and keep the saw, etc......

My .02. Better to buy vintage tools at a swap meet or flea market where you can inspect before buying.

David Eisenhauer
02-26-2017, 4:16 PM
David Weaver has a You Tube video on tapping out a bow on a saw. It seems to be a good primer on how it is done but I have not tried it on the saw that I have with a long, gentle bow in it.

Jim Davis
02-27-2017, 11:02 PM
David Weaver has a You Tube video on tapping out a bow on a saw. It seems to be a good primer on how it is done but I have not tried it on the saw that I have with a long, gentle bow in it.

Carpenters and saw filers used to correct a long gentle bow by flexing the plate against the heal of the hand in a succession of places along the plate.,

Also, as a point of interest, that kind of bow shows up sometimes when only the first half of the teeth have been set, then disappears when the others are set the other way. That's how easy a bowed edge comes and goes.