View Full Version : Forged in fire TV show

Paul Crofton
02-24-2017, 9:33 PM
I don't watch the show but we were at some friends house. They have some connection to someone on the show and wanted to watch it. They blacksmithed some ugly pieces that were designed to look like weapons. Then demonstrate and get critic inputs.

I'd like to see them make some turning tools and let some actual turners try and critique them. I know dream on.

Brice Rogers
02-24-2017, 11:20 PM
I watch and enjoy the show.

But, they are working with minimal steels - - perhaps (at best) HSS. So, while a person could make their own tools via blacksmithing, the steel would be the limiting factor.

I've "blacksmithed" a negative edge scraper out of a file. I've made some specialty cutter inserts (hardened) out of HSS (file). I've also made a goose neck hollower and a bunch of handles that takes carbide inserts. And also have made a home-made "termite hollower" from a file. It was really a machining job followed by hardening. A file is a hardenable steel. By annealing ("tempering") it can be made non-brittle. But, these tools, compared to some of the more exotic steels out there is not nearly as good.

Thom Sturgill
02-25-2017, 9:27 AM
Had me worried a bit there. Files are notoriously brittle. I have made some hook tools following Alan Lacer's instructions. They work well, but O2 steel is still just a carbon steel and don't hold an edge long. Good side is that if you can make them, you can re-make them.

Ralph Lindberg
02-25-2017, 11:56 AM
Besides wood-turning I do a little smithing (I have my great-grandfathers forge and anvil)
We watch the show every week and are looking forward to next season, when a close friend may appear. One of my long-time friends is working with them to see if their schedule fits his.

..... it will killll!!!!!