View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
02-20-2017, 8:31 PM
20 Feb 2017

Good Afternoon Everyone,
I've finished another week of oncall duty and then the LOML and I got several things done that we needed to get done today...after....I took her to breakfast. :)
I repaired the LOML Jr's front door on the house they just moved into as well as helping the son-in-law figure out about rewiring the shop on his new property.
I'm still trying my hand at cooking and the MIL and the LOML are really enjoying what I come up with. This past weekend was Quesadillas with homemade salsa. The quesadillas were turkey, bacon, spinach, cheese, taco seasoning, garlic salt. I then fed them my first ever baked good.....Snickerdoodle Cheesecake. They loved the snickerdoodle cheesecake!!
While I am enjoying this to a degree, I'm finding out that a full time cook....I am NOT. If it were left up to me to cook each day? We'd be eating out. :)

Well, that's it for me, I hope many of you had a good holiday today and if you had to work today? I hope your day was good.

So what did YOU do this past weekend?
Best of weeks to you all.

Bryan Lisowski
02-20-2017, 9:21 PM
Spent the weekend in Delaware at my sons hockey tournament. Took second place. The weather was mid 60's to mid 70's, would have been great for some shop time. Dennis I cook just about every night and the more you do it, the easier it gets.

John K Jordan
02-20-2017, 9:47 PM
Concrete curing in the new peacock house, grandkids, tree cutting, visits from woodturners, dinner and the theater with the lovely bride.


Charles Taylor
02-21-2017, 8:58 AM
On Saturday, went with my lovely lady to browse antique and junk shops. Picked up a few old USA-made hand tools and some steel casters that had long been separated from the furniture to which they once belonged.

Sunday afternoon, cleared some clutter off my working surfaces in the workshop.

On Washington's birthday, scrubbed the old, degraded shellac finish from the barrister bookcase units I've been repairing and restoring over the last few months.

Chris Hachet
02-21-2017, 9:00 AM
Upper cabinets are now finished in my kitchen, helped the Lutheir who shares my workshop with a few things, laid out lumber for some shelving, cleaned up a few things and did some tool maintenance.

Shawn Pixley
02-21-2017, 10:06 AM
I overdid it and hurt myself last week so I have been moving very slowly. Saturday was still rain filled as part of the big rainstorm so we stayed indoors. I cooked and cleaned up. There were some good soccer games on, so it could be worse. Our house fared very well in the torential rain and high wind. I just had to move our tomato starts (heirloom tomato plant started from seeds). Others had it worse.

We have a whole house water filtration system. The prefilter housing had cracked and was leaking. Sunday, we replaced the filter housing and the started the patching of drywall where the water had sprayed. (I have an alarm in the Water heater pan but the spray didn't hit it.) I hate plumbing.

Yesterday, i put together a care package for our son who moved out a few weeks back. It will be in the mail today. I cooked lamb sausages, lentils and roasted peppers fo dinner last night. I must be recovering as I am able to cook again. I am still not supposed to lift anything over 15 lbs, so even a large pot of water requires help. This stinks!

Malcolm Schweizer
02-21-2017, 10:12 AM
I planed one half of a split top roubo. At 5" thick x 6' long it weighs 150 pounds. My wife helped and said I needed to get someone else to do the other half. She is awesome, however. Yes, that is our bedroom where the planer is set up.

Mike Ontko
02-21-2017, 11:04 AM
I cooked lamb sausages, lentils and roasted peppers fo(r) dinner last night.

Yum! And for the rest of you culinary types, here's a plug for a great new cookbook written and produced by the daughter of a friend of the LOML: Molly on the Range: Recipes and stories from an unlikely life on a farm (http://mynameisyeh.com/cookbook/). We usually get our recipes and ideas from cooking shows or the Internet, but there are a few books that have made it to our shelves over the years. This one has been getting a lot of use this year.

I spent the long weekend talking myself out of starting the spring yard work by turning my attention to a little shop cleanup. I was going to sweep up the remnants of my last project and then clean out the filter in my DC, but ended up deciding to build a wall mounted lumber rack figuring that it'd give me a little more floor space to sweep up in the future. 1x2 ledger strips support the bottom of seven vertical 2"x3" supports, which have been daughtered onto the existing studs. The support brackets were made using a 16" section of 2x4", sandwiched between two pieces of 3/4". Not rocket science, I know. But it should hold as much as it needs to.


Jay Larson
02-21-2017, 12:25 PM
Saturday, I helped my fiancee pack up for her first gig as a temp/consultant. She joined a temp agency for histology. One that will place you around the country for 8-16 weeks. She took a position in Minneapolis area for 8 weeks. Close enough that she can run home on a weekend, or I can go visit her.

After she was gone, I went to the outbuilding, wrapped the beams with cedar, and put in the permanent porch posts. Got them all in by Sunday afternoon. Since the wind had died down, I took the opportunity to get a few boxes of cutoffs burnt.

Aaron Conway
02-21-2017, 12:56 PM
Finished up this cutting board made of ash, walnut and cherry...

and this valve cover wall lamp...

and a couple other little projects...long weekends are so nice.


mark mcfarlane
02-21-2017, 1:30 PM
I dumped out about 100 little plastic drawers of screws, nails, and misc parts and cleaned the drawers and cabinets and resorted and organized everything. Took 2 days but I haven't done it in about 17 years. Over the years I have collected a lot of weird little things, but I have probably saved 50-100 trips to the hardware store over the last 40 years because I could find a replacement bolt, strange washer/spacer, or something else that fixed whatever the problem is.

Brian Henderson
02-21-2017, 2:46 PM
I dumped out about 100 little plastic drawers of screws, nails, and misc parts and cleaned the drawers and cabinets and resorted and organized everything. Took 2 days but I haven't done it in about 17 years. Over the years I have collected a lot of weird little things, but I have probably saved 50-100 trips to the hardware store over the last 40 years because I could find a replacement bolt, strange washer/spacer, or something else that fixed whatever the problem is.

I did that a couple of weeks ago and I've already saved myself a couple of trips to the hardware store because I actually have what I need, that I had no clue that I actually had.

Jim Becker
02-21-2017, 8:49 PM
Sadly, no time in the shop this weekend. In fact, I wasn't even in the same state as the shop by about 9am on Saturday as I had to head to central Florida to help deal with a medical issue with the 'rents...which is where I still am for a few more days. "Parenting Parents" is a whole bunch of fun. :D

Dennis, keep up the cooking! It's a good skill to develop in so many ways... ;)

Samuel Green
02-22-2017, 12:10 PM
I build these mini basketball hoops and was able to finish this Teak one from a broken old cabinet I bought from a local store. I hung it in my 2 year olds room on monday night! He was happy although he likes throwing the basketball into his crib more than the hoop, easier shot I guess?